Chapter 5

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"Let's go! Let's do this!" The nervous energy in the air was palpable as the cast prepared for their first busking experience. This was uncharted territory for them, singing in front of strangers who saw them as nothing more than aspiring performers seeking attention.

For this performance, they had chosen a location that was an hour and a half drive away. The production had thoughtfully arranged for a driver to ensure that the cast wouldn't have to navigate unfamiliar roads and could conserve their energy for the performance. After all, nobody wanted to be exhausted when it came time to sing.

The journey lasted a grueling 20 hours, during which the ex-couple endured each other's presence without much interaction. The incident on the balcony had left a palpable tension between them, resulting in minimal communication and a physical distance that neither seemed willing to breach.

Arriving, the cast set up their equipment in a park where they would hold their first busking performance. They began with a song that was familiar to all of them, "I Will" by The Beatles. Each member of the cast had a role, including the musicians who were usually more focused on their instruments – Minhyuk, Jukjae, and Hyunwoo. However, it was Baekhyun who stood out, lending his voice to the chorus. The performance went off without a hitch, leaving all of them with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

"Hello?" Kim Taeyeon's voice quivered slightly as she nervously addressed the audience. Despite the shakiness, her attempt to speak in English was admirable – a language she seldom used. Their decision had been made – Taeyeon would handle the introduction, considering her slightly fluent grasp of the universal language.

The crowd responded with cheerful "Hi's" and enthusiastic waves. Baekhyun took a moment to scan the surroundings, feeling a sense of relief as he noticed that no one seemed to recognize them.

"We are from South Korea," Taeyeon continued, her voice steadying as she gained confidence. "We are all individual singers and musicians, but we've come together as a team to perform for you today, even though you might not know us well."

Minhyuk, watching from the sidelines, smiled at Taeyeon's delivery of the introduction. Her pronunciation and confidence showed that she had practiced.

"I'm Taeyeon," she introduced herself first.

She pointed to Jukjae, who played the guitar. "This is Jukjae." Jukjae offered a small smile and a respectful bow.

Pointing to the pianist, she said, "Our talented pianist, Hyunwoo," who was situated on one side of the setup.

"And the skilled drummer, Minhyuk. He's originally from the K-pop band in Korea, CNBLUE. Isn't he cute?" Taeyeon added, causing Minhyuk to feel slightly embarrassed at the unexpected compliment.

The audience responded with cheers and applause, evidently agreeing with the sentiment.

"You really don't have to say that, noona," Minhyuk mumbled, trying to keep his composure as they were seated next to each other.

"And, uh..." Taeyeon hesitated, her practiced words seeming to evaporate from her memory as the moment arrived. "Baekhyun from EXO," she managed to say, her tone casual.

Baekhyun waved and smiled at the audience, downplaying the introduction she had given him. As expected, his appearance alone garnered a significant amount of cheers, underlining his popularity.

"The next song will be sung by Baekhyun," Taeyeon continued, recovering her poise. "It's his own song, a Korean track titled 'Beautiful'."

Another round of cheers erupted from the audience at the mention of Baekhyun's performance.

"I hope you enjoy," he added with a warm smile.

As the familiar chords of the song began to resonate from the instruments, Baekhyun took a deep breath, grounding himself in the moment. The sunlight danced across his face, casting a warm glow that seemed to match the vibe of the song. As he started singing, his eyes were fixed on the audience, his voice carrying the weight of emotions he had poured into the lyrics.

His melodic voice cut through the air, reaching every corner of the park. The audience, a mix of locals and tourists, listened intently as Baekhyun's rich timbre weaved a narrative of heartache and hope. The gentle breeze seemed to carry his words even farther, connecting with those who had gathered to witness the impromptu performance.

Baekhyun's gaze occasionally shifted towards Taeyeon, who was sitting a few feet away from him. Meanwhile, Kim Taeyeon has no emotion as he sang the whole song, her eyes are rooted on the ground.

The chorus of "Beautiful" swelled, and Baekhyun's voice soared, effortlessly hitting every note with a poignant resonance. His hands moved skillfully along the guitar strings, coaxing out a melody that resonated deeply with the emotions of the song. With each word he sang, it was as if he was baring his soul, allowing the audience to glimpse the vulnerability that lay beneath his charismatic exterior.

As the song drew to a close, Baekhyun's voice softened, carrying the final notes with a sense of longing. The last chord hung in the air, the audience momentarily held captive by the raw emotion that had filled the space. A brief silence settled over the park before applause erupted, filling the air with genuine appreciation and admiration for the heartfelt performance.

Baekhyun smiled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and gratitude as he bowed his head in acknowledgement of the crowd's response. As he glanced at Taeyeon again, their eyes met once more, and for a fleeting moment, it was as if the distance between them had narrowed, if only for the duration of the song.

The song concluded amidst an outpouring of support from the enthralled crowd, a testament to Baekhyun's undeniable prowess as a singer. "I'm glad you liked it," he acknowledged with a humble smile.

"Now, I'd like to present my own composition titled 'One Day.' I sincerely hope it resonates with you." The audience responded with an applause that rippled through the air, a harmonious prelude to the forthcoming instrumentals.

As the soft strumming of the guitar strings filled the air, Taeyeon's voice emerged, delicate yet filled with a depth that could tug at the heartstrings of anyone listening. The vulnerability in her voice seemed to mirror the emotions conveyed by the song's lyrics.

Baekhyun watched and listened, his gaze fixed on her, captivated by the way she channeled her feelings into the music. He couldn't help but be swept away by the haunting beauty of her voice, each note resonating with a quiet intensity that held the audience in rapt attention.

As the song progressed, Taeyeon's voice crescendoed, conveying a mixture of longing and acceptance that seemed to touch a chord within each listener. The gentle sway of the crowd seemed to harmonize with the melody, creating an atmosphere of unity, even in the midst of a diverse audience.

Her eyes were closed, lost in the lyrics she was singing, and yet Baekhyun felt as if she was singing directly to him. He could sense the honesty in her performance, the rawness of her emotions laid bare for all to see. It was a powerful display of vulnerability that resonated deeply with him.

When the final note faded into silence, there was a brief moment of stillness before the crowd erupted into enthusiastic applause. Taeyeon opened her eyes, a soft smile gracing her lips as she nodded in appreciation of the audience's response. Baekhyun's applause was just as heartfelt, his hands coming together to create a sound that added to the chorus of approval.

As the applause subsided, Taeyeon looked towards Baekhyun, their eyes locking briefly in a shared moment of connection. In that instant, it was as if the tension that had lingered between them had momentarily dissolved, leaving only the music and the emotions it had evoked.

"Thank you," Taeyeon said, her voice carrying a genuine warmth that reached beyond the words she spoke.

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