Chapter 13

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Baekhyun's hand was almost on the car door when Taeyeon's voice stopped him in his tracks. He turned to her, his expression a mix of concern and impatience, as if he was torn between prioritizing her well-being and the performance.

"No, I can... I guess I can still perform," Taeyeon managed to utter, her voice slightly shaky. However, her words seemed to trigger Baekhyun's frustration.

"You guessed it wrong, you can't. You look so unwell," he retorted, his eyes scanning her appearance for any signs of distress. He couldn't ignore the paleness that had settled over her complexion. "You're already feeling this way since this morning."

But Taeyeon's gaze shifted to the eager crowd that awaited their performance. Despite her shaky state, she observed the audience, her conviction clear. It was evident that many people were still excited to watch, willing to wait for their performance. After all, busking wasn't just about them—it was about engaging with those who wanted to share in the music.

"Stay here," Baekhyun insisted firmly, his tone brooking no argument. He gave her no room to protest as he took control of the situation. The car door shut with a resounding thud, leaving Taeyeon alone inside.

Although weakened by her recent panic attack, Taeyeon wasn't one to succumb easily. She wasn't known for stubbornness, but when she believed she could still contribute and deliver a performance, she was determined to see it through. As the door closed, she closed her eyes momentarily, gathering herself for what lay ahead.

Outside, a small figure began to approach the gathering crowd. As she drew closer, her presence garnered the attention of the onlookers. A wave of cheers and positivity began to swell, a collective energy building up in anticipation of what was to come. With a faint smile tugging at her lips, Taeyeon bowed slightly to acknowledge the audience, her fellow cast members, and the dedicated staff who had worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

In that moment, her resolve to perform and connect with the audience was stronger than ever. The clash between her internal struggles and the external demands of the performance seemed to fade away, leaving room for the genuine joy and passion that music brought to her life.

As Taeyeon made her way towards the rest of the cast and crew, she took a moment to scan the faces of everyone present. Her attention, however, was particularly drawn to the man who had come to her aid during the panic attack. His expression was a stark contrast to the positive energy of the crowd, a mix of concern and frustration evident on his face. Witnessing his visible distress, Taeyeon's smile faltered, causing her steps to slow involuntarily.

Jukjae was the first to speak, his concern evident in his voice, "Taeyeon, you okay?"

She managed to summon a smile in response, though her gaze remained thoughtful as she approached the group. The tension between her and the man who had helped her seemed to hang palpably in the air, an unspoken exchange of emotions playing out between them.

Minhyuk's worried voice broke the silence, "I think we should cancel the performance."

However, Taeyeon was quick to counter, her resolve evident in her words, "No, we shall continue. I don't wanna waste everyone's time who chose to wait. Let's pay them back with a great performance. Don't worry about me, I'm fine." She forced her smile, her eyes avoiding the man beside her intentionally to avoid further tension.

The production director's careful gaze assessed her condition, his concern mirrored in his words, "If you're completely alright, we shall continue then. But there's no busking after this, we're going straight home. We don't want to encounter any unexpected happenings like earlier."

Taeyeon nodded, a mixture of determination and exhaustion in her eyes. She was all too familiar with pushing herself beyond her limits, a trait shared by many in the demanding world of K-pop. Even though Baekhyun might understand this unspoken reality, she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, knowing that it would only add to the complexities of the situation.

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