Chapter 8

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The group was granted some precious time to explore the charming city, and the cameras were ever-present to capture their natural interactions and reactions as they ventured through the vibrant streets. It was a picturesque scene – a group of friends enjoying each other's company against the backdrop of a new and foreign place.

Amidst the lively atmosphere of the street market, Hyunwoo's kind offer to buy a dress for Taeyeon added a touch of warmth to their outing. His reference to her brother Jiwoong was a thoughtful gesture, a connection that reminded Taeyeon of the camaraderie they shared within the group.

As Hyunwoo searched for dresses that might catch Taeyeon's eye, she found herself drawn to a particular dark blue dress that resonated with her style. The simple act of selecting a dress amidst the bustling market felt almost like a respite from the more complicated emotions that had been swirling within her.

Hyunwoo's playful test of the dress's suitability on Taeyeon brought forth a genuine smile from her. The camaraderie they shared was heartwarming, a reflection of the bonds they had formed through their shared experiences on this journey.

On the flip side, Baekhyun found himself wrestling with a pang of jealousy as he observed Hyunwoo's thoughtful gesture towards Taeyeon. The genuine connection between them highlighted a promise he had once made to himself, a promise he now felt incapable of fulfilling. While he maintained a facade of indifference, his heart couldn't help but ache at the disparity between his intentions and his current reality.

As the group prepared to leave the store and transition to a nearby restaurant for dinner, Minhyuk's suggestion of taking a photo against a striking mural prompted Baekhyun to step forward. With the air of a seasoned model, he effortlessly struck poses that showcased his charm and charisma, a testament to his natural confidence.

Minhyuk extended the same offer to Taeyeon, suggesting she also take a photo in front of the mural. However, she politely declined, masking the true reasons behind her decision. Inwardly, she was determined to distance herself from any memories that involved him. She had decided to move forward and let go, cutting ties with the past as much as possible.

The group continued to explore the city, the sun still casting a warm glow despite the approaching evening hour. When they arrived at the restaurant and perused the menu, they found themselves intrigued by the array of options available. With their order placed, the group was informed of a brief waiting time, much to the chagrin of the ex-couple.

The seating arrangement in the restaurant seemed to mirror the complex emotions that lingered between Baekhyun and Taeyeon. Positioned across from each other, their proximity felt unnerving, like an uncomfortable mirror reflecting their unresolved history. As they waited for their meal, the tension in the air was palpable, a stark contrast to the relaxed camaraderie shared by the rest of the group.

Amidst the palpable tension that hung in the air, Baekhyun mustered the courage to break the ice, attempting to initiate a conversation with Taeyeon. "So..."

"It isn't your first time in Netherlands, is it?" His inquiry seemed innocuous, yet it carried an undercurrent of significance given their shared history. As the table held its collective breath, Taeyeon initially hesitated, struggling to believe that he was actually addressing her.

Her gaze shifted among the expectant faces of the group, and Baekhyun's sincere chuckle confirmed that his question was indeed directed at her. Feeling a mixture of surprise, nervousness, and a hint of warmth from his unexpected attention, she managed to stammer out a response, pointing to herself as if to confirm that she was the one being addressed.

"Me?" she asked, her voice revealing her disbelief.

"Oh..." She nodded, still unable to fully comprehend that he was talking to her. The weight of the moment and the unspoken history between them hung heavy in the air, making her heart race and her palms slightly clammy.

Baekhyun's smile remained gentle, an encouraging beacon in the midst of the awkwardness. His nod silently conveyed his intent to engage in a genuine conversation, to bridge the gap that had grown between them. The rest of the group watched the unfolding interaction with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, sensing that this exchange might lead to something significant.

Encouraged by his patience, Taeyeon took a deep breath and attempted to articulate her response more coherently. "Yeah..." she began, her voice still tinged with nervousness. "Well, it was just a short vacation. But it's my first, coming—for a show. Yeah." Her words tumbled out in an awkward jumble, punctuated by hesitant nods. She found herself struggling to maintain eye contact, fearing that their gaze might rekindle memories and emotions she had spent years trying to suppress.

As the awkward silence stretched, the absence of water on the table felt like an oversight, leaving Taeyeon yearning for something to distract her from the intensity of the moment. The small talk had certainly opened a door, yet the emotional minefield they walked upon was undeniable.

Amid the uncertainties, there was a sense of unspoken understanding between them. It was a slow start, a tentative step toward mending the rift that had separated them for so long. The journey toward healing was bound to be complex, but this simple exchange hinted at the possibility of a more open dialogue in the future. While the wounds of the past were far from healed, the fact that they were even attempting to communicate was a testament to their growth and resilience.

The arrival of the food was a welcome interruption, momentarily diverting their attention away from the awkward conversation that had just begun. The dishes looked delectable, and the enticing aroma wafting from them hinted at a delightful dining experience.

As the cast delved into their meals with enthusiasm, the initial unease gradually gave way to a more relaxed atmosphere. The delectable flavors and the shared experience of savoring authentic Dutch cuisine provided a common ground for the group. The tension that had hung over them began to dissipate like mist in the morning sun.

Amidst the clinking of cutlery and the hum of contented murmurs, a small surprise found its way onto Taeyeon's plate. A fork, bearing a mouthful of a particularly enticing dish, was offered to her. Her gaze followed the hand that held the fork up to the smiling face of Byun Baekhyun, whose dark eyes held a hint of playfulness and warmth.

"Eat well. You're getting skinnier," Baekhyun remarked with genuine concern, his voice soft and caring.

Taeyeon felt a warm flush of gratitude wash over her at his words. It was a simple gesture, but it held a deeper significance, a tacit acknowledgment of their shared history and a genuine wish for her well-being. She couldn't help but smile, a genuine one that lit up her eyes and softened her features.

"Thanks," she replied softly, her voice carrying a warmth that mirrored the sentiments behind her smile. She accepted the fork with a sense of nostalgia and took a bite of the dish. It tasted as delicious as she remembered, and the memories associated with it flooded back, reminding her of moments they had shared in the past.

For that fleeting moment, as they savored their meal together, the weight of the past seemed to lift, and a glimmer of hope for a more positive connection between them emerged. It was a small step, but sometimes, in the midst of life's complexities, the simplest gestures could be the most profound.

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