Chapter 11

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Several days had passed, leading up to the 7th day of their busking tour. These days had been rather uneventful, except for the palpable tension between Baekhyun and Taeyeon. Their interactions had grown strained, resulting in an almost deliberate avoidance of each other, as if they were strangers.

"PD-nim, are you alright?" Jukjae noticed the unease emanating from one of the production directors.

"Y-yes... I'm fine. Don't worry, just focus on preparing for your last day's performance," the PD replied, mustering a forced smile and burying himself in his phone.

It was evident that something was amiss, but Jukjae chose not to probe further. He figured that asking might only agitate the director more. He returned to the living room, where the entire cast was seated on the couch, awaiting instructions from the production team.

"Is everything alright? The staff seems quite unsettled," Hyunwoo inquired as Jukjae settled into a seat beside Baekhyun.

"Perhaps there's an issue, but they're not saying anything," Jukjae responded.

"Shall we proceed? The production team is ready for us," Minhyuk announced, joining the group after coming in from outside.

With everyone rising to their feet and gathering their belongings, the group prepared to depart. Just as Taeyeon was about to take a step, she was caught off guard by a hand that reached out to stop her. Baekhyun's hand was extended before her, holding her phone that she had left behind on the dining table during lunch.

The air seemed to hold its breath as they exchanged a silent, loaded glance. Baekhyun's action was simple, yet it spoke volumes – a mix of unspoken words, regrets, and a hint of lingering sentiment.

Kim Taeyeon was taken aback, her hand frozen mid-air as she failed to retrieve her phone. It was an awkward twist of fate that he had found it, and she couldn't help but chide herself for being careless. In her state of astonishment, Baekhyun's measured silence seemed to stretch on, almost as if he were calculating the passage of time.

After what felt like an eternity, Baekhyun placed the phone on the coffee table with a deliberate thud, the sound punctuating the charged atmosphere. Without uttering a single word, he turned away and joined the other musicians, exiting the room.

Dumbfounded, Taeyeon stared at her phone for a moment before rousing herself from her stupor. She pocketed the device and shook her head, as if trying to shake off the weight of her thoughts. With a determined step, she made her way toward the waiting van.

As she entered the van, she was acutely aware of Baekhyun's presence behind her. He occupied a seat near the front, alongside Minhyuk. Taeyeon felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, a tempest of emotions swirling within her. The proximity was enough to stir a whirlwind of memories, good and bad, that she thought were long buried.

The journey remained enveloped in silence, a collective quietude that belied the inner turmoil and anticipation simmering within each member of the group. The upcoming final performance in the Netherlands weighed heavily on their minds, casting an air of gravity over the atmosphere. Soon, they would transition to Germany for the next leg of their busking journey, but for now, all focus was on the task at hand.

The stifling stillness was suddenly broken by Minhyuk's voice, his nerves palpable as he raised a question that had been gnawing at him.

"Noona, do you think I'll be able to do the duet well? I mean, I'm a drummer, not a singer." Minhyuk's uncertainty was evident, a confession of his inner doubts. He and Taeyeon were slated to perform a duet, a collaboration that bridged their roles as musicians and singers.

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