Short Story #14

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Ship: IceMav

AUs: None

Warning(s): Mentions of Depression / Depressive Episodes, Borderline Suicidal Thoughts


Iceman, shortly following his graduation at Top Gun, got extremely depressed. He just hated feeling so lonely even when he was surrounded by people. He spent all of his free time on the carrier laying in bed sulking. He hasn't showered in 3 weeks, he hasn't eaten much, and he hasn't left his room unless ordered to.

"Iceman." Maverick walked into the room. 

Iceman didn't move an inch, "What do you want Maverick..?"

"I wanted to come see you." Maverick closed the door, making his way over to the bed and sitting on the edge, "I just wanna know why you're so depressed all of a sudden."

Iceman sighed, he rolled over onto his left side. He glanced up at Maverick, looking back down again, sighing. 

"I just feel lonely all the time, even when you guys are surrounding me. I don't feel important or loved, you're the first person that's ever really loved me. I feel like I have no purpose.. Like I'm just a waste of space.. I think you guys would be better off without me..."

"That's not true. We all care about you." Maverick replied, "Ice, the guys need you. Slider needs you. I need you. The group is total chaos without you, you're the only one who can keep everyone from getting hurt. Plus.. you're the only person that's kept me happy after Goose died.." 

Iceman looked up at him again, "Really?" 

Maverick nodded. "Just because I don't show it, doesn't mean I'm not hurting." Maverick said. 

Iceman nodded.

"Tom, you know I love you right?" Maverick asked as he pushed Iceman's hair off of his forehead. 

Iceman nodded, "I know.. And I love you too, Pete." 

Maverick leaned down and softly pressed his lips to Iceman's. Iceman kissed back instantly. It wasn't their normal rough and needy kind of kiss, it was more sweet and gentle. They pulled away after a moment.

"How about you go take a shower and then we can go on deck and look at the water?" Maverick suggested. 

Iceman smiled, for the first time in 3 weeks, 

"I'd like that."

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