Short Story #13

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Ship: IceMav

AUs: None

Warning(s): A bit of a PTSD episode from Iceman

So, just for explanation before reading; this whole 'accident' that Iceman is having nightmares about is a headcanon of mine. 

Headcanon(s): Iceman was like Maverick when he was younger, but to an entirely new extreme. He ended up feeling like he caused the death of his wingman at the time, along with 3 others because he didn't use the smartest strategy in a dogfight. And that's why he's so overly cautious, careful, and anal about Maverick cleaning up his act.

Okay, now, onto the story!


Iceman's past had been haunting him for sometime now. Ever since the accident..

His former wingman died, with his R.I.O. Then his wingman's son committed suicide and the flight partner's girlfriend had died from a mix of stress and her leukemia.

Iceman was thrashing under his sheets that night, his mind going ballistic. His nightmares were back at full force. He was tossing and turning viciously, crying out in his sleep in shear terror and pure guilt. 

This concerned his boyfriend, Maverick, who'd been woken up suddenly by Iceman's violent bodily movements. Iceman seemed to be in a blind panic. He had tears running down his cheeks.

Maverick flinched slightly as Iceman shot up in bed, fully awake and shaking like a leaf. Tears started to run heavily down his cheeks as he buried his face in his hands.

"..Tom..?" Maverick whispered.

Iceman turned to him, his arms wrapping around his stomach and his face nuzzled into Maverick's chest. Maverick immediately hugged back, stroking Iceman's hair gently as he reassured him quietly. Iceman's ear rested right at Maverick's heart, the soft beating of it calmed him down.

"Did you have the nightmare again?" Maverick asked softly.

All Iceman could do was nod.

"Tom, you know it's just a nightmare. You're okay." Maverick reassured, "I love you." He kissed Iceman's forehead.

"I love you too.." Iceman whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of Maverick's neck.

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