Short Story #10

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Ship: IceMav

AUs: None

Warning(s): Make-out ahead


Maverick tugged Iceman's shirt off his shoulders, their lips still pressed together roughly. Iceman pulled Maverick closer, if possible, deepening the kiss. This is totally normal for them. They've been seeing each other secretly for at least 2 months now, after realizing how much they wanted each other, how much they needed each other. They craved each other like a smoker craves nicotine.

Iceman's hands ran down Maverick's thighs, sending a shiver down the small pilot's spine.

What they didn't consider when they began this affair, was that they couldn't hide it forever. They were fairly stealthy about it, but even the other guys of their group suspected something was up.

What they guessed about the 2 rival pilots was confirmed when Hollywood walked back to the locker room to grab his wallet. The very locker room that Iceman and Maverick were occupying at the moment. Hollywood walked in silently, since he assumed no one else was in there, and even if there was, they would probably hear the chain of his dog tags rattling against the studs of his shirt.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the sight before him.

"Um... what are you guys doing...?" Hollywood asked.

"Getting interrupted apparently, what do you need Hollywood?" Iceman asked, slightly irritated.

"I.. um.. I was just coming to grab my wallet out of my locker.. I'll be out of your hair in a second.." Hollywood answered quite uncomfortable.

Iceman sighed gesturing in the direction of Hollywood's locker, his body language basically saying 'be quick and get out'. And that's just what Hollywood did, but of course, not without telling the rest of the group what he just witnessed.

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