Short Story #4

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Ship: Iceman x Slider (I don't have a ship name for them)

Warning(s): Make-out ahead

AU(s): None


Slider is a really heavy sleeper. This man could sleep through a nuke going off beside his head. It's nice in some ways, but, it can also be dangerous.

Especially when your flight partner is Iceman; someone who is always paranoid about being late to everything.

So, when Slider didn't get up one morning, Iceman went into the room and started shaking him.

"Slider, wake-up, we have work around the house to do today." Ice said. Slider didn't budge.

Iceman eventually started to bang pots and pans loudly, he tried slapping him, he tried kicking him, he tried poking him, he'd pretty much tried everything.

Ice was about to give up, but he finally thought about what else he could do. Then he got an idea. He stood by the bedside, waiting for Slider to roll over on his back. Which, mind you, didn't take very long. Once Slider seemed settled, Iceman climbed into bed with him, he straddled Slider's pelvis, taking a seat right there. 

He leaned down towards Slider's neck, beginning to kiss and nip at it. Slider seemed to move his head a bit. When Ice realized kissing the neck wasn't enough, he tried his jawline. When that wasn't enough, he took a deep breath, exhaling off to the side, before pressing his lips to Slider's. This seemed to wake up Slider, who moved one hand to tangle his fingers in Iceman's messy bed-hair, while the other one snaked down to the smaller pilot's thigh. They made out for a bit longer until, finally, they pulled away for air.

"That was all it took to wake you up?" Ice seemed a bit irritated.

"Well, was that worth it?" Slider asked, pushed Iceman's hair off of his forehead.

"I don't know, I think I could use some more.. Maybe some tongue?" They both laughed a bit, pressing their smiling lips together again.

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