Short Story #5

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Ship: IceMav

AU: Soulmate AU; you share a color you see with your soulmate, you don't see the others till you kiss them.

Warning(s): None, unless you need a warning for cuteness


Purple, the color of royalty, the color of ambition, the color of power. It was the only color that Maverick saw, he was frustrated by this. He wished that he could just meet his soulmate already, so that he can see color. Goose has already found his soulmate, Carole. Maverick was jealous, but he'd never let it get between their friendship.

He sighed as they walked into the bar, he and Goose had been sent to Top Gun in Miramar, CA and Maverick hoped that maybe, just maybe he could find his soulmate there. The whole bar had a purple glow to it, so, if he met his soulmate tonight, they would surely see the purple.

After Goose and Slider, another R.I.O, had a bit of a snark match, a tall, handsome pilot that Maverick had seen in class earlier approached them, 

"Mother Goose, how's it goin?" 

"Good!" Goose immediately noticed Maverick seeming a bit sheepish, "Tom, this is Pete Mitchell. Pete, Tom Kazansky." 

They met eyes, shaking hands. Maverick was mesmerized by him and he was even beginning to play dumb a little bit. After a little bit, Slider and Goose went off to play poker with Wolfman, Hollywood, Sundown, and Chipper.

"So, what color do you see?" Maverick asked, "Just out of curiosity." he threw in at the last second. 

"I only see purple, and you?" Ice answered, asking him the question right back. 

Maverick's heart soared. "I see purple too.." Maverick said, nervous.

"Never once, in a million years, did I think my soulmate was gonna be a pilot." Iceman said.

"You and me both, Tom, you and me both." Maverick replied, sheepishly. 

Iceman delicately brushed his fingers across Maverick's cheek. They slowly leaned in, closing their eyes as their lips brushed, finally connecting. A rush of warmth washed over both of them as they held the kiss. They eventually pulled away. When they opened their eyes, they both saw all colors. They knew they were soulmates now.

"Well, I'm more than pleased to have finally met you." Maverick smiled brightly.

"I'm happy to have finally you as well." Iceman smiled back, his forehead pressing softly against Maverick's.

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