Short Story #18

949 15 26

Ship: IceMav

AUs: N/A

Warning(s): idk 


Maverick and Goose had just entered the locker room, Maverick bragging about how they won against Jester. Hollywood, Wolfman, Sundown, and Chipper congratulated them, high fiving them.

Shortly after that, Iceman and Slider entered the room. They talked about how they won too. Iceman then made a snarky comment at Maverick. 

This set the smaller one off.

"What is your problem, Kazansky?" Maverick asked, aggression in his tone as he turned his body to face Iceman.

Ice closed his locker, turning to face Maverick, "You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go into the air, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous."

Maverick's award winning smirk tugged on to his face, 

"That's right Ice.. Man," He brushed off the taller pilot's shoulder, then he smacked his sides, "I am dangerous."

Iceman didn't respond with words, he just snapped his teeth like a cobra. They both smiled a bit at each other. 

They saw it as "we're just being competitive". But, the rest of the pilots and R.I.Os in the room were looking at each other, because they sensed something more between the two; they sensed some kind of sexual tension between them.

They knew from Iceman's body language that he didn't really dislike Maverick, if anything, it was obvious that he had a thing for him. Especially after that one night at the bar when they first met, Goose and Slider could've cut the tension filled atmosphere with a knife. All of them were curious how it would all pan out.

But they all knew the answer when Chipper walked around the corner one day only to catch Iceman and Maverick making out roughly against the lockers, both shirtless and not giving a single flying fuck about being walked in on. Chipper walked straight back out, telling everyone else after.

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