Chapter 31

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I'm sorry for not posting in like a month, I've not been in the writing mood lately but I promise I'll keep writing.

Warnings: none
Word count: 553

I get to the destination with Edward we have to take a boat to get to the island. It's quite big for a private island.

"Surprise! There is no one for miles so it will be quite peaceful" you jump into his arms "I love you, this is so great!" "We can go out into the sun without having to hide" he takes me inside the beautiful beach villa.

"All of this is ours and we don't have to worry about anything" I kiss his lips "What should we do first?" He asks "I want to feel the warmth on my skin again."

I look through what Rosalie and Alice packed to find a bikini, I get changed and join Edward, the warm sand feels amazing under my feet. Although it's not the same as when I was human, the wolf in me craves the sun and it feels quite amazing. I see Edward sparkling in the sun, something I've barely seen but will get used to by the end of the honeymoon.

"You look gorgeous, have you ever seen yourself sparkle?" Edward asks and I shake my head, I look down at my arm sparkling "It's just like you" "Yes it is" he smiles. I lay down on the sun lounge chair and soak in the warmth of the sun. Edward lets out a small laugh I look over at him "

I'm sorry but you look so beautiful, I never thought I'd love anyone as much as you" I chuckle "I love you too, E."

After soaking in the warm sun Edward and I go into the water to swim for a while, the good thing is now that I'm a vampire I can swim in the ocean and see all the creatures without having to come back up for air.

Edward holds my hand and we go to the bottom of the sea floor to see the coral and colourful fish. Edward points out a shark and for once I'm not completely freaked out, although if I was human it wouldn't take any notice of me but the feeling of not being able to die is thrilling. We go back up and realise how far we'd swam out

"There are cliffs not to far from here, we can go cliff jumping, its a lot of fun" "Yes! Let's do it" we swim to the cliffs and run up to the top "Should we jump in together?" I ask, he holds my hand "Lets go on three" we both count in unison "1.2.3!" We jump off together, I feel the rush as we jump in together.

Edward holds onto me in the water and kisses my lips. We make out in the water "I can't wait for tonight" I tell him "I know you've been thinking about it all day" I chuckle "At least you know that I'm excited."

We jump off a few times before swimming back to the island and watching the sun until it goes down.

"I'm so excited to be married to you" "I'm so excited to start our life of eternity together, I never thought I'd be so happy to be on earth until the end forever."

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