Chapter 32

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Warnings: mentions of sex
Word count: 553

Edward's hands grip my waist tightly as he presses his lips to mine, my hands move to his hair as the kiss starts to become more intense, I clear my mind of all the other thoughts in my head and focus on Edward.

He takes off his shirt breaking the kiss for a moment before pecking my lips and taking off mine. Edward kisses me again and undresses me throwing our clothes in a pile next to the bed

"Are you sure you want to go on with this?" Edward asks "Yes, do you?" "Of course" he smiles and flips me so I am below him, I look up at his bright gold sparkling eyes and smile, he pecks my lips.

It was like nothing I had experienced and I'm so glad I decided to wait until we were married because it made things so much more special.

"How do you feel?" He asks "You already know" I lay my head on his chest and he chuckles "I just wanted to make sure" "You took very good care of me E" I bring my lips to his again.

The rest of our first night married is spent cuddling and talking until the sun comes up. Edward fills the bathtub up with water while I lay on bed and wait for him.

"My love, our bath awaits us" he picks me up and takes me to the bath. The bath is filled with bubbles and rose petals "This is so romantic, E" He smiles "Go ahead" I step into the bath one foot then the other, the water warms my icy cold skin and I think back to the times where I was human and the feeling of being warm was constant.

Edward gets in after me and holds me close "I miss it too, being human" "I've accepted it, I'll get to live with you forever and it's a small price to pay to be with you forever."

Edward kisses my bare shoulder and all the way up my neck to my lips, he grips my waist as we grind our waists on each other slowly while our lips are pressed together.

Slowly the water tips out from the inside of the bath onto the floor, by the end of it there is more water on the floor than in the bath.

"Don't worry, there will be people to come clean soon. Edward gets out and wraps my body in a towel, he picks me up and puts me over his shoulder throwing me onto the bed and kissing my lips.

"Get excited for tomorrow because we have a lot to do" "I'm so excited."

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