Chapter 16

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Warnings: none
Word count:657

I decided I'd hear what Jacob has to say. As much as I don't want to hear it, I owe it to him after learning we won't see each other anymore.

I asked Edward before I told him we would meet and he said it's alright just as long as I give him a time that I'll be back and text him so he doesn't worry.

Edward takes me to the border and Jacobs already waiting "Bye Edward" I give him a kiss "Stay safe, okay? And come straight home if you have a problem" "Okay I will, love you" "I love you too."

I walk over to Jacob and give him a hug "I'm sorry I didn't listen last time I'm ready to talk" "Thank you"

Jacob takes me to a place where we can talk and be alone. We sit under a tree "I know you trust him with everything but trust me when I say you don't want that" "He didn't force me into doing anything, he actually told me he doesn't want me to."

"If he really didn't want you to turn into one of them then he would've tried harder to stop you. Deep down he knows you're not going to stay young forever" "Even if he wanted to, I would never let him force me into anything."

"You will have to see everyone around you die and there's nothing you can do. You will turn into a cold blooded killer, is that what you want?" "The Cullens are not killers" "Yes they are, it's in their nature, they can't just change."

"Jacob I'm here to talk and not to argue. I respect the fact that you don't want me to become a vampire but there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Jacob tried his best to convince me but by the end it didn't work so he showed me around for a bit. "

"This is Seth, he is the youngest" He gives me a smile and I shake his hand "Nice to meet you Y/n" "You too Seth."

Seth seemed to be the friendliest out of them all. Same fiancée, Emily seemed nice enough, she even offered us some food. Once the sun started to set Jacob walked me back to the border.

"Thank you for coming, even if you didn't change your mind I appreciate you taking the time to hang out." I give Jacob a hug "As long as we are allowed, I will still come and visit, okay?" "Anytime you want" "Bye Jake."

I walk to the Cullen house. By the time I'm in the house they can all smell me already. "You need to take a shower and we will wash those clothes" Alice says.

Emmett walks in "No offence but you smell disgusting" "You're back" I can tell Edward is trying to not offend me "I know I stink, E. Alice is warming up the water in the shower for me now." "I'll give you a hug after the shower, is that okay?" "That's fine."

I don't understand how they can smell him on me and I've only been there for half a day. I guess the scent rubs off on me easily.

I get out of the shower and Alice had placed clean clothes on Edwards bed for me to change into.

"You smell like yourself again" "That's good" I start to put on my clothes while Edward turns around

"Edward, we are dating. I don't care if you've seen me naked" "I know, it's just I don't want to see you like that until it's special"

"I understand, I'm decent now anyway" Edward gives me a hug and kiss "Will you stay tonight?" "Alright, I'll just text my mum to let her know I'm here."

That night Edward kisses me goodnight and I drift off to sleep while he plays with my hair gently and spends the night reading a book.

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