Chapter 26

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Word count: 744
Warnings: none

The Cullen's go to Wisconsin for a few days leaving Edward and I alone in the house.

I wish Edward wasn't so old fashioned because this would be the perfect time to- "Y/n, I know how tempting it can be, just us alone but I really do want to wait until you're my wife" my thoughts get interrupted by Edward upstairs.

"Are you kidding? You're listening to my thoughts from upstairs?" I hear Edward laugh "This house is dead quiet and your thoughts are loud." "Its true, I died a virgin, never thought that would be a sentence I say, mainly because I'd be dead."

Edward comes downstairs to sit on the couch with me. "So did I" "Yeah but you have definitely have had sex as a vampire" Edward laughs "Stop laughing at me Edward" I slap his arm "I'm sorry but how many times do you think I've been married?" "You really are dedicated."

"I have never met someone I wanted to marry until I met you" "I don't believe you" "Why would I lie?" "Edward propose to me already, we need to loose our virginity." "It's not a big deal to me, why is it to you?" "Times have changed Mr Cullen" I straddle him.

"In what way Miss Y/l/n?" He kisses my lips "Sex isn't seen as bad if you do it before marriage" "Maybe so but it means more to me when I am with my wife" "Edward, all this talk of being your wife better mean you are proposing" "Not yet, my love. I'm sorry, I want to get you the perfect ring and make it special and unexpected."

"I don't need any of that and I'm not expecting anything at all" you smile "No not at all."

Edward and I plan to spend a nice week together, so far it's been filled with lots of cuddles and hide and seek in the woods surrounding the house. Edward was cheating by trying to listen on in my thoughts but after he found me so many times I cleared my head.

I got the chance to have movie marathons with him and show him my favourite movies.

"This one is the Goblet of Fire, possibly my favourite of them all" "Hmm, I like this Cedric guy. He seems interesting" "Just wait until the end, E."

We had a lot of dance parties together, Edward let loose and i saw him have the most fun he has had in a while. We did a lot of hunting as well, our days were full of fun and the nights were spent relaxing and enjoying each other.

"Thank you, Y/n" Edward says "What for?" "For giving me the best week of my life" "The week isn't over yet so we have much more to do."

"I can't believe I found you" "E, I love you so much, why are you saying this now?" Edward doesn't usually get all soft with me. He usually shows his love through touch and doing nice stuff for me, I do like hearing it from him once in a while.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you knew by the end of this week how much I appreciate you and I wanted to ask you something." Edward sits up, I look up at him "What is it?" I sit up not loosing eye contact. "Y/n, this is a big deal for us and I want you to know you can say no" "Edward I'm freaking out."

"Will you be my wife and marry me?" Edward opens a box with a massive diamond ring sitting neatly inside. "No! I mean yes but no way you're doing this!" "Yes or no?" "Yes!" Edward presses his lips to mine, my tears falling onto his skin as he kisses me.

He puts the ring on my finger "Edward Cullen I'm going to die for the second time!" I get up and start jumping around. He smiles as he watches me jump around like a weirdo.

"I'm going to be a Cullen! I'm going to be married to you!" I give Edward a hug "I love you" he kisses my head "You will finally loose your virginity after a hundred years" Edward smiles "What if you hate sex?" He asks "Is that a question? I'll be doing it with you, how will I hate it?" "How do you boost my ego so much?" "That's what I do."

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