Chapter 24

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Word count: 713
Warnings: none

I started training with Sam Uley everyday. Not only did he help me with managing my senses but he also helped with managing my physical strength. With all this new power it's hard to know how much I'm using.

There has been many times where I accidentally squeeze Edward too hard when he is trying to hug me.

Edward would also help me on the vampire side of things such as hunting. I am faster than him when I run, at first I had to slow down so that Edward could teach me.

After two months, I could manage everything myself. Carlisle and Sam agreed to me being on either of their land considering I was both vampire and wolf.

Emmett has been waiting so long for me to manage everything so we can see who is stronger. After winning many arm wrestling matches he decided that psychically wresting would determine who is stronger.

"Emmett and Y/n take it outside you're going to break something" Rosalie says "No! I can do this!" Emmett struggles as I have him in a headlock.

"I give up!" He yells and I let go of him standing up. "You're not the strong one anymore" I laugh "I'm still the strongest vampire" "Technically I'm a vampire too, I can't shapeshift into a wolf."

I walk into Edwards's room and see him looking out the window, I wrap my arms around him. "Hi Y/n" I can hear his smile by the sound of his voice "Hi Edward."

"Are you and Emmett done being idiots?" "Yes, I won. Are you proud?" "I can't say I'm very proud of you wrestling Emmett on the ground but I'm glad you bet him, it will help his ego a bit."

"What were you thinking about, before I came in?" "Nothing" "I could tell you were in deep thought" "I wanted to ask you a question" He turns to face me.

"What do you think about moving in?" "Like moving in here?" "Yes" "I would love to" "I was also thinking you might be able to see your mum when you move your stuff into here."

"Do you think I'm ready?" "Do you feel ready?" "Yes, I can't wait to see her again" "How about you call her and see what she says?" "Sounds good."

Later that afternoon, the Cullen's go out to hunt, I decide to stay home to call my mum. "Hi mum" "Y/n! It's so nice hearing your voice and knowing everything's okay. Edward filled me in on everything, he was great."

"I am calling to ask if I can see you again, I think I'm ready to finally see you" "Yes! I can't wait to see you again" "How about tomorrow, you don't have work then, do you?" "No I've got a day off, come anytime."

The next day Edward and I go to see my mum. "It feels weird coming back home after not being here for months" Edward holds my hand "Are you ready?" "Yeah I'm just a bit nervous."

I knock on the door, my mum gives me a hug. The first thing I notice is the sound of her breathing and her heart, I quickly get that thought out of my mind and enjoy her company.

"Do you want some cupcakes? I baked them not too long ago?" She asks from the kitchen. I look at Edward and he gives me a half smile "Sorry mum, I can't eat those like I used to" "Oh I'm sorry, I keep forgetting" "It's okay, this is going to take some getting used to." She sits down with us and we talk.

"I want to let you know that, I'm moving out and I'm going to live with the Cullen's. I think it's best that I live with them" "Moving out? Already?" "I know it doesn't seem like it but I've changed a lot and I don't think I should live here anymore. I don't sleep so I would be keeping you awake and I don't eat plus the temptation of blood I couldn't forgive myself if something were to happen."

She sighs "I understand but promise me you will see me occasionally" "Of course, I'm not going to leave you alone" she smiles "Thank you."

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