Chapter 11

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Word count: 546
Warnings: none

"You should be happy being mortal, immortal is not the way you want to live." "I want you to turn me" "No Y/n if I could be mortal I would be" "Lets be real E, you're not going to want me when you're in a 17 year olds body and I'll be old and wrinkly." Edward kisses my forehead "I love you so much go back to sleep and don't even worry."

It's been 3 months and my birthday is next Friday. I'm not very excited, usually my mum is there for my birthday and this year she won't be because she is on work business outside of Forks. She left me so many chores to do because when she comes back we are moving out and moving closer to Edward I could walk to his house and finally meet his parents which I haven't yet in our 3 almost 4 months of dating.

So lots of packing boxes this week she said I could take a break on my birthday and do the rest before she comes back. I pack the boxes of stuff we won't need.

"Already started?" Edward asks "you scared the shit out of me, E! And yes I have because I am not going to be able to finish this." "My love, it's Sunday we have to do something." "I called you this morning to do something and you didn't pick up." "I lost my phone sorry, also never call me I won't pick up I never have my phone."

"You need to use a phone it's what everyone does now" "Okay Fine, can you celebrate your birthday at our house with my family, on Friday and stay the night until when your mother comes back." Edward says "Okay I will but help me pack my boxes and turn me into a vampire."

"The whole family will pack your boxes and we will talk about you becoming immortal but only discuss it." "DEAL!"

On Thursday Edward helps me pack my bag, in the morning. "My family is really happy you are staying with us" "Well I'm happy to stay with you guys."

My mother decided we would move houses because our current house is just a temporary home until we found a good home to live in.

"Everyone is on their way, it will be done quickly and then we can get ready for your 18th!"

"I hate this Edward, I just want to be with you forever"

"If you want this so bad you will wait for my decision" "If you don't turn me I'll get someone else to" "They won't turn you" "I'll find a random vampire" "You wouldn't."

Suddenly Emmett jumps into my room from the window. "Hey guys"

Everyone else comes through the door

"So where do we start?" Alice asks "So each room has its own boxes so just sort them into their own boxes." "Easy!" They all start helping and it's all done so quickly.

"So are you excited to come hang out with us for a week?" Alice asks "I'm so excited I just wish it wasn't my birthday so soon" "You should enjoy your life as a human."

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