Chapter 10

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Word count: 515
Warnings: none

I go to the parking lot after school and stand by The Cullen's car to wait for them and see Jacob.

"Jacob? What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you come with me"

"I need to stay here."

"No come with me I have heard something and I need to tell you the truth"

"Okay Fine" I go with Jacob on his bike. I hold on to him tight and he takes me to his house.

"I kept this secret from you for your own good but now you're dating a pale face blood sucking demon I'll show you that you have options."

"Wait how do you know about- "just watch" Jacob starts taking off his clothes

"Jacob I really don't need to see that you got ripped since I last saw you. Trust me I can see with clothes on" He chuckles then turns into a wolf, I fall to the ground in fear.

"JACOB!" He turns back

"Sorry Y/n I didn't mean to scare you. "I can shape shift into a wolf." Jacob explains how this happened and I end up meeting the pack.

I turned my phone off so I didn't get any calls and when I turn it back on I have 36 missed calls and so many texts from Edward so I try to call him but no service.

"Oh crap Edward is worried about me, Jacob can you take me to your house?"

"Okay see you later"

"Yeah Bye everyone! It was great meeting you all. Jacob takes me back and I get service to call him back.

"Hey Edward I'm safe I'm so sorry I'm with Jacob"

"Y/n! You scared me we have been out looking for you I've been so worried"

"I'll see you tomorrow E"

"no I'm coming to see you at your house"

"Okay I'll be there in a half hour"

"Okay I love you so much be safe!"

"I will." we get to my house and Jacob gives me a hug before I get out and go home when I get to my room Edward is on my bed and gives me a big hug.

"You smell like dog but I'm so glad you're alive and here you scared me so much"

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