Chapter 12

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Word count: 484
Warnings: none

My birthday came around quite quickly and I woke up to Edward reading a book and quiet classical music in the background.

"Happy birthday, love" I give Edward a big tired hug
"Can we not make this a big deal today?" Edward laughs "What?" I ask cautiously

"Edward, What?" I start to freak out.

"Come with me"

I hop out of bed and follow Edward downstairs I see a massive banner with"Happy 18th birthday" on it

"Happy birthday!" Alice comes out of no where "Alice! Wow thank you, but this wasn't necessary" "Of course it was!" We sit down and Alice takes lot of photos.

"Alright enough with the paparazzi! When are we turning her?" Emmet says "We aren't turning her, Emmett" "Oh come on guys! You don't really think she will be human forever?" "For as long as possible" Edward explains.

"Why don't we discuss it now?" I ask "What is there to discuss?" "Well when are we going to do it? I finish school in a couple months! There's no better time than the present" "I think we should wait until you graduate" Alice says "I agree" Emmet says.

"Is there anyone else who also thinks we shouldn't do this?" "I don't, I think you should live your human life" Rosalie detests "I've lived and now I want to live an eternity" "When should we do it then?"

"How about a month after you have finished with school" Emmett suggests Carlisle and Esme walk in

"So we heard about this and want to say that we are happy for this to happen, if you are willing to accept the consequences of possibly never seeing your mother because she can never know that you are a vampire."

"I understand the hard choices in life and I know that if I do this I miss out on a lot of things but I can accept that."

My birthday was actually quite fun but I had to go home early the next morning because my mother is coming home. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, Y/n" "Bye Edward!" I kiss him quickly before he goes.

"I'm home!" My mother says and I run down the stairs to give her a hug "I missed you!" She says "I missed you too, mom!"

"Wow you really did pack everything up so well!"

"Yeah I guess I'm just a good box packer."

"Well I do have surprise since I missed your birthday. I got your favourite cake which we can eat after having some takeout from Carver Cafe!"

"Mum! That sounds amazing!"

I give her a hug and we drive over to carver cafe later that night to pick up our food and come home to watch TV together. It was such a great night I am going to miss my mother so much! I love her but I know that being with Edward is what I want.

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