Four Months In

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4 Month Time Skip

Shinsou's POV

I woke up to see Kaminari passed out next to me after another eventful night. After a while, we had agreed to be friends with benefits so this was pretty common. Especially on days when he didn't have to go to his other job the next morning, like today. I crawled over him and went to take a shower. The only thing I'm questioning is when we went from the bar to his place, that's a blur but it's better than traumatizing Asui more. Besides, I think she had that brown-haired girl over for a date last night.

After I get out of the shower I steal a pair of his sweat pants and get myself a bowl of cereal. I was about to leave when a very tired Kaminari stumbled out of his room. He nearly tripped over a coffee table but caught himself last second and started making some eggs. "And sleeping beauty awakens."

He rolled his eyes and added some seasoning to the now whisked eggs. "Too bad you didn't wake me with a kiss," He joked and got two glasses down from his cupboard.

I inhaled making a sharp hissing noise as I put the bowl in the sink. "Wouldn't have worked anyway princess," I hear him chuckle slightly then pass me a glass of orange juice before getting one for himself.

"You're right, but it's too early for this shit sugar," He poked my nose mid-sentence, "I'm tired," I scoffed and brushed off his hand making him laugh again. I picked up the glass he had given me and he put his eggs on a plate after a couple of minutes. After he finished eating he had his Alexa, which he recently got and seems to be obsessed with, start playing some music.

This is normally how mornings at his place went. He slept easier in his own bed and always seemed to have something going for background noise. He put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and then there was a knock at the door. Kaminari looked through the peephole and proceeded to practically throw me in his room before answering the door. "Hey you guys what's going on with you?"

I only heard muffled speech but I caught a few names, with that I put it together that those were his friends from his 'real' job. I heard some borderline flirtatious phrases being thrown between Kaminari and a couple of the others and it caused a pit to form in my stomach. I didn't want it nor did I particularly want to be rid of it. I continued to listen until Kaminari got them to leave and he walked into his room.

"Whoo, sorry about that, I have some pretty pushy friends and they all wanted to hang out today since we're all off so," He smiled and shrugged going over to his closet and picked out a stereotypical Hawaiian-style shirt that only he could pull off.

I nod slightly. "Makes sense, but you were meant to find some information on the new target for me today," I placed my hands in my pockets with my normal stoic face though the pit remained. He laughed and nodded while he also picked out a pair of jeans and a black and white checkered belt.

"Well, that will just have to be postponed to tonight. Don't worry I'll get it to you it's just gonna take a little longer than we thought it would." He ushered me out of the room so he could change into proper clothes. In all reality, I could wait for the research information but I didn't want to. More specifically I wanted to watch Kaminari at work, so I could learn more about his abilities. He has very raw talent but in the four months he's been on my team I haven't been able to see much of it or help him train it to its real potential.

Soon he came out with a couple of chain necklaces on, black Doc Martens with sunflowers on them, along with a gold band around his pointer finger, pulse the outfit he had picked out. "What do you think?" He smiled brightly and spun around, still with that stupidly upbeat music playing.

"You look very...extra," He didn't look bad by any means but I wouldn't say that. His confidence is high enough without me giving it a boost.

Kaminari's POV

I beamed inside when he said I looked extra. Why? Because I am extra and that's what the outfit was meant to be so mission, accomplished. I was super excited to meet up with all my friends on our day off as it rarely happened. My friends don't know about my...unique relationship with Shinsou, and I don't plan on changing that. Hell, they don't even know that I'm apart of a gang or who Shisou is at all, and I will cherish that for as long as I can. As to why I asked for Shinsou's opinion, well he's right here, and he's honest which is nice.

"Extra is my thing," I say and flick my hair back with a proud smile. I watched him roll his eyes and could practically hear his eternal groan. I couldn't help but laugh, it wasn't fanny but it made me happy...for some reason.

"Well, you do you boo, I'm gonna head home sense you're friends will be back later I assume and I also assume they don't know of my existence," He went and grabbed his phone and shoes. Well, he's not wrong, but I do have some time. Better safe than sorry I guess?

I heard him on the phone with the diver, guess he didn't feel like walking home shirtless, which is a shame because he's quite the eye candy. But at least that means more for little old me.

"Alright, I'm gonna wait downstairs for the car. I expect the info no later than 6 A.M. tomorrow," After that he walked out and I waved slightly as he did. I grabbed my phone and sat in the living room for a couple of hours waiting for my friends.

Once they got there we were off to raise chaos. I got in the back of the van to hear violent laughing coming from everyone but our resident emos, Jirou and Bakugo. I see Sero had a stoner meme pulled up on his phone it wasn't that funny also, he smelled of weed already so...but Sero also has a very contagious laugh so I laughed along with them as Bakugo drove us somewhere everyone refused to tell me about.

They said it was some sort of surprise and that it would be best to keep it from me. These bitches didn't tell me we were going to a damn water park! I didn't even have a swimsuit but Sero brought an extra one because my best friends are always prepared for my unprepared ass.

After we got our all-day passes we walked in and got in line for one of the slides. "Whoa- hey guys, guess which bitch somehow got another 'bruise' on his neck," Bakugo pointed out laughing. I thought I told Shinsou to knock that shit off, even though it's really a heat of the moment kind of thing.

"Yo, Kami, my man, my guy, my bro, I did not see that when we stopped by your apartment earlier. Were you stashing a guy there and not telling us?" Kiri asked while putting his elbow on my shoulder.

I chuckled and shook my head. This isn't the first time they've caught me with a hickie and it was always in good fun as they picked on me for it a lot. "It was there you're just all blind fucks," We all laugh and get to the front of the line, I mean I didn't lie but they don't need to know that I was keeping a guy hidden while they were there. 

Whoop- time skip I don't normally like that but I felt it necessary here

I hope you enjoyed the chapter because I enjoyed writing and editing it

Let me know if you have any ideas or if you just wanna say 'hi' I'll say 'hi' back because I love that

Have a great day/night

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