Not Ideal Circumstances

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Kaminari's POV

After we tormented the mall workers for several hours, we decided we'd had enough fun for the day. "Woah, dudes it's sunset already! How long have we been hanging out?" Kiri let out a sharp laugh and smiled at us as we climbed in the car van thing.

"Too long," Bakugou rubbed his temples as he spoke clearly done with all our bull shit. We just ignored him as he started driving. I was the first to get dropped back off as I lived closest to the mall. "See you tomorrow at work dunce face."

I said bye to everyone and took the elevator up to my apartment. When I opened the door I noticed that my TV was turned on to some retail show. "What the-" I don't even watch this kinda stuff unless Mina's over. "I didn't leave my TV on...did I? Well, I put it past me," I laughed it off figuring I turned it on last night when I was drunk and just didn't realize it was on before I left.

I turned it off and started for my room so I could change into some pajamas. Wait a sec, "Did I leave these doors open? I don't think so," I normally leave them closed because it looks nicer that way, and why would I even have my linen closet open? "I wonder..." I whispered that to myself just in case some unwanted visitor was in my place. I know I left my bedroom door open for some natural light from the window. Now it's closed. I slowly opened the door and saw a tall figure with unruly hair standing at the now open window that I closed earlier. "Um...hi?"

Omg Denki, who the hell greets someone that broke into their place? Guess that's what I get for never locking my damn door. After I said that the person looked over their shoulder but I couldn't see their face until I flipped the light switch. Wow wow wow, scary but attractive- now is not the time to be desperate Denki Kaminari. "So...uh, can I help you, scary person?"

"Yes actually. You wouldn't happen to be a hacker would you?" Ok, their voice is very raspy and boy do they sound tired. They turned around to face me fully and I can't tell if that made them less intimidating or more intimidating.

"No, why do you ask?" I don't need to get mixed up in a hairy situation. I don't really trust this person- lie, I don't trust this person.

"Really?" They took a step towards me and I took a step away feeling trapped despite the open door next to me. "Because I am, and I got hacked yesterday. The computer I was hacked from was yours. So if you're really not a hacker, care to explain how that happened?" At this point, they were looking down on me condescendingly. Wait...that's what this is about? You've got to be joking.

Shinsou's POV

In an instant, his whole deminer seemed to change. He went from looking scared to looking...well more annoyed than anything. "Is that really all this is about? Listen I was gonna get to getting rid of it but you beat me to it because my friends dragged my ass out. I'm sorry ok? But you're not looking to steal something right?" He crossed his arms and relaxed his stance looking me in the eyes for the first time.

"Well, I have yet to decide. Doesn't look like there's much to take." He rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. After a moment he let out a sigh and looked me up and down before speaking again.

"I mean, I would prefer if you like, didn't steal from me. Listen I don't feel comfortable with you being in my apartment so either leave, or we could go to a public place to continue this conversation so that you're less likely to murder me," He smiled up at me, though it was more of a thin-lipped annoyed smile. Ok, I have literally never seen someone be so relaxed while talking to someone that broke into their living space.

After a minute without me responding he rolled his eyes and groaned. "Come on then. There's a bar not too far from here that we can go to. Unless of course, you're not old enough to drink," This time it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I'm old enough, I just don't feel like going on a date with a-" He laughed, cutting me off, and looked at me like I was an idiot. This guy...what is his deal? Does he really think he has any sort of control in this situation?

"Beleive me, I don't have interest in going on a date with you either. I'm just trying to make sure I don't die," He smiled the same thin smile again. "So shall we get going?" He turned the light back off and left the room, going to the front door. What is this guy?

I suppose if I want to know if he's working for someone I'll have to go with him won't I? God fucking damn it. I really don't like this guy, he's too overconfident for his own good. I reluctantly followed after him as he's heading out of the apartment building to call an uber. "Normally I carpool with my friends so I don't have a car," He chuckled slightly as he leaned against the building. "You don't mind if we stop by a gas station first do you?"

Why on earth is he acting so casual? "Don't act like this is a casual or friendly outing," He sighed and placed his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"I just want some cigarettes, or is that too much of an inconvenience?" I rubbed the bridge of my nose and shrugged.

"Do whatever you want I really don't care," He didn't respond after that. We spent several minutes in a tense silence before the driver finally arrived. We both climbed in and Kaminari gave the driver the address and asked them to stop at a gas station before they took us to the bar which they agreed to.

Once we arrived there Kaminari paid the driver and leaned against the wall of the building like he had done when we were waiting outside his apartment for the car. "What are you doing?"

He looked over at me as he packed the cigarettes with a small smile. "I'll be in a few, I just want a smoke, you can go save us seats or something unless you want one too," I rolled my eyes and shook my head slightly.

"I'd rather not give myself lung cancer thanks," He shrugged and put the pack away before lighting the cancer stick.

"Suit yourself. Be there soon," I sighed and headed in taking a seat at the bar. I ordered a shot of scotch for myself before just getting a glass of beer. This is gonna be a long night. 

Hello girls, gays theys, and allies!!

So I worked a little harder and faster than normal because I'm gonna be spending a few days with my sister and the wifi sucks there

I wanted to get this out before I left so if it's a bit crappier then normal, you know why lol

Let me know in the comments if you caught the reference to my first book-

Ask the questions you want answered!! I want to know what y'all think

Ship suggestions are still open if you want to suggest!

Have a great day/night

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