Why The Lies (pt. 2/2)

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Kaminari's POV

I shrugged slightly. "Ask away."

My mother took a calming breath before starting. "Why did you leave?"

I knew it would be the fist question but I couldn't help but scoff. "Why? You blamed me for my own sisters death that's why."

I saw my father's arm tighten around my mother. "You made her feel like shit everyday of her life! And if it weren't for those low-lifes you hung around with she would have never been able to get a hold of the drugs!"

"Believe me I know! I think about it all the damn time."

Shinsou's POV

"You're asking why I attempted suicide?" The nurse nodded slightly to tell me to continue. "Well all honesty, my life has been a total disaster the last few months. Got no source of income no friends except Ena, who I had to move in with, and I developed a deadly addiction."

He nodded and wrote something on his clipboard. "How did you afford this 'deadly addiction' if you had no job?"

I shrugged and folded my arms. "Let's just say people like sex more than money."

He kept a surprisingly straight face and looked at Ena. "Did you know any of this?" She shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Kaminari's POV

My mother tried to calm my father down saying they need to be grateful for their blessings. "Maybe I should just go."

All I heard as I turned was "Oh no you don't!" And felt a hand grab my hair to pull me back. My mind was flooded with so many memories all at once I was useless as my father pulled me into the house and slammed the door.

Shinsou's POV

After several more questions Ena was asked to leave the room. After she was gone the nurse sighed. "You are going to need a psychological evaluation, a stay at a mental hospital for at least a week, and rehab."

I figured that's what he'd say. I am so royally screwed. "You are also going to regularly need to see a therapist for at least 6 months so this doesn't happen again."

I could feel myself rejecting the idea from the inside out. He let Ena come back in and left. "I'm so so sorry Shinsou, but I couldn't say what happened. I just shouldn't have come up to you that night."

I tillted my head back and fourth thinking. "You're right, but we're way past that now," she nodded slightly and smiled at me before getting up and heading for the door. "Where you going?"

"You need a fresh start, again, and I can't be apart of it," and she walked out.

One Year Later

Kaminari's POV

Well, what is there to say, I'm still living with Sero, I visit my sister literally all the time and I see my parents once a month. My mom is a pretty good peace keeper to say the least. Bakugou is still is jail and I don't think he'll be getting out early or anything, at least not on good behavior. But we all go visit him. Kiri is starting to move on with his life which is good. I'm at another dead-end data computing job.

Everything is as normal as its gonna get I guess. Right now Sero is working a shift, as a security guard, and it's my day off. First thing I thought when I heard a knock on the door was that my my new futon was here.

When I opened the door though I stood there kind of lost for a moment before flicking him. "Oh my God your real!"

"What did you think I was a hallucination or something?" He rubbed his forhead and looked down at me.

"No I just thought I would never see the Shinsou again," I laughed out my nose because I didn't know weather to hit him or hug him.

"Glad to see you still remember my name at least."

"Didn't know you could be 'glad about anything," he chuckled and ran his hands through his much shorter hair. "What's with the big bag?"

He readjusted his backpack slightly. "Lets just say I'm going off the grid. So I'm tying off a couple of lose ends before I leave."

"And I'm one of them?" I asked half shocked half amused.

"I guess? Anyway I don't want to disturb your life just say bye. Did except a lot more than a flick though."

"I'm still thinking about it," we both laugh a bit, even though I am 100% serious. "Well hey, if I think I have a glitch, I'll know who to blame."

He smiled slightly a punched my arm like an old friend. "Dito."

"By the way how'd you find me?"

"Old habits die hard I guess," I auditable gasped.

"You little-" but he ran away laughing before I could finish. I closed the door with a small smile. Well at least we both got some closure. And now I know who to blame when I think I have a glitch.

Yep that is it that is the final chapter- (I mean I put out closing author chapters  but this is the last of the story line)

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this book as a whole let me know what you thought

Have a great day/night

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