Well...That Was Unexpected

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Kaminari's POV

Oh Budda, oh Budda, I really need to calm down. Well, that is my cigarettes are for, and the alcohol. Ok, Denki, if you act like you hold the power eventually you will. Fake it 'til you make it right? They haven't made any violent advancements yet, so I have to be doing something right...right?

After a few minutes of a self pep-talk, I had finished my cigarette and headed into the bar. I took next to...what is their name, and ordered my own mug of beer because, well, I like beer. "So just, so I know, why did you break into my apartment?"

"I didn't," They took a drink of their beer before looking over at me. "I opened the door," I roll my eyes, I've lost track of how many times I've done that today, and finish my glass of beer and just order a pitcher for us. They look at me like I was some kind of freak as I refilled my glass.

I looked at them for a second without them saying anything expecting them to explain why they had that look on their face. I placed the pitcher back once my glass was filled, with a sigh and looked at them. "What?"

"Did- I- never mind," They let out a heavy sigh and sipped on their drink. Whatever, I really couldn't care with my heartbeat in my ears and stomach on the floor. They haven't seemed to notice that that's how I feel right now though so...plus?

"Oh-" I just remembered something. They looked over at me seeming confused. "What's your name and pronouns?" It'd be nice to put a name to the hot- the face, name to the face.

"Shinsou, no I will not tell you my first name, and you can't tell I'm a guy?" I shrugged and looked at the floor that seemed to have a drink spilled all over it. "I'd ask you the same...if I didn't already know."

"Creep. And I don't like to assume things about people, it's a hard habit to start but I'm getting there," I smiled at him as a kind gesture, but he didn't have the decency to return it. He just looked ahead of him and traced the rim of his cup with his finger.

"Good habit to have honestly," He quickly moved his hand to the handle of the glass and downed about a third of it before placing it back down. I laughed slightly and looked over at the dance floor, the DJ has killer taste.

"Well thanks," I looked back at him and took a drink before hopping off my stool and headed for the dance floor. "I'm gonna dance for a while, be back soon Shin," I turned running for the dance floor and joined in the slowly forming mosh pit.

Fun fact, dancing is scientifically proven to make you relaxed and happy, I need to be relaxed right now. After about an hour, maybe an hour in a half, I headed back over to Shinou and the pitcher was almost empty. "Is that the same pitcher as when I left?" A laughed slightly and took my seat back.

"Same glass, refilled 3 times," He tapped the rim of the pitcher and the bartender came and refilled it. He finished off what was in his glass before refilling.

"Wow, talk about a drinking monster," I laughed again drinking some of my now warm beer. After several minutes of silence between us, I couldn't stand it, I had to say something. "So, why did you open the door to my apartment?"

"Who do you work for?" He turned his whole body towards me and I mimicked the gesture. The hell?

"Um, Katsuki Bakugou. You hacked his company you should know that," I was extremely confused and he only rolled his eyes at me. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at the ceiling for a minute before looking back at me.

"Who thought you to hack? Who tells you who to hack? No bull shit this time, who do you work for?" Oh- wait, why would it matter to him?

"No one, but why do you care?" I saw his eyes flash with anger, it honestly scared me, but I didn't show it. I don't have a great track record with angry people, besides Bakugou that is.

"Because I need to know if there is a rival gang in the city-" He spoke surprisingly calm, but I saw the instant regret on his face as the words left his mouth. Oh...oh, OH, this so much more sense, he's with that hacker gang in the city.

"That's what this is about. Ok, this is starting to, in some fucked up way, make sense," I let out an amazed laugh and put my fingers on my temples. All, well not all, the dots were connecting in my head. "Wait, what's your rank or whatever you call it?"

He looked at me like I was an idiot and I am almost certain I looked like a puppy who just dug up a bone or something along those lines. "Why for fucks sake would I tell you that?"

"Because I can just shout out, in the middle of this bar, that you're in an illegal underground gang, and I would," I smiled at him innocently and I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"I'm...the leader. If you tell anyone, a public place won't save you," He glared at me hard. Well...I can hear my own heartbeat again.

"Don't worry, I won't. However, I am gonna go have a smoke, be back in a few," I walked outside and the city was still lively despite the time and lack of light. I lit a cigarette and thought over all the absolutely insane info I just receved.

So, the leader of a gang broke into my apartment. I took him to a bar and am drinking with him. Wow, ok, wait, this...IS SO FUCKING COOL! Omg, this is an opportunity. I threw my smoke on the ground only halfway done and rushed in taking my seat back.

"What's it like being in a gang?" I most likely looked like a giddy child but oh fucking well, I wanna know.

"You really don't work for anyone?" I shook my head and finished the beer in my glass. He sighed and thought for a long minute before speaking again. "Well, how about you find out first hand then."

I almost choked on my drink when I heard that. I looked at him with complete shock and he still had a stone-cold face. "You obviously know what you're doing and it won't screw up your work schedule or anything."

"Um...how about you let me sleep on that," I mustered the best smile I could. I was completely taken aback by the offer. Why would he offer something like that to someone he just met? He just shrugged and sipped on his drink. After a few minutes, I had calmed down but the DJ was playing a fire song. I hit Shinou's shoulder to get his attention and smiled a real smile at him. "Come on! We have to dance to this song!"

He rolled his eyes and ignored me so I grabbed his elbow and dragged him to the dance floor laughing. Once we on the floor I let go of him and started dancing around. He clearly didn't want to dance, but with people constantly bumping into him it was about all he could to as to not fall over.

Eventually, we got pushed in the mosh pit so Shinsou was stuck for a good minute. He didn't lose his ridged posture and almost knocked me over when someone crashed into him. "Careful dude, it can be a touch dangerous sometimes."

"Then why do you do this shit? And don't call me dude," Buzzkill first off, just a nickname. Second off...kinda got a point, but not like I'll admit that.

"Because! I'm not gonna be 22 forever, I need to take advantage of it!" I laughed and spun around. I smiled at him again which he was still refusing to return. After several minutes we were finally able to get out of the moss pit. I looked back at him and was suddenly being kissed. Ummm excuse you- but he might get pissed if I pull away, still don't know how dangerous he is. Plus he is hot and I've low key been desperate for a hookup. Overall...I think...this could be way worse.

Hello girls, gays, theys, and allies!!

Ok ok, I know, left it off in a weird spot, but Shinsou didn't actually kiss him- spoils??

Just wait until the next chapter, but feel free to leave theories

Will I do smut...no, just no have no practice in that department XD

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you thought!!

Have a great day/night!

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