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Kaminari's POV

It's been three weeks since Shinsou hacked Bakugou. Information on what Bakugou had been doing was released and he was fired on sight. Now my borning day job is even more tedious. Everyone in this company dreads to see what our next paychecks will look like now that Bakugou is out of the picture. Kirishima has taken up two jobs because no place will hire my newly unemployed bestie. The whole squad is looking for new employment for multiple reasons. Regardless of if I stay here or not though, I have to move to a cheaper place. I'm thinking of moving in with Sero if he'd be cool with it. Plus I have to go car shopping because Uber is getting far too expensive.

I understand the fact that most people live this way anyway, but I don't even have a high school diploma, so the best I could get is a minimum wage position. Thank god the healthcare in Japan is free though because Kirishima is going to faint from exhaustion and malnourishment anytime now.

After work, we all piled into Kiri's van and Jirou insisted on driving. We all basically forced Kiri to take a nap. Once we started, Jirou connected the aux to her phone to play one of her killer playlists. "Oh- Serobro, question."

He looked over at me with a small shrug. "Proceed."

We all laughed slightly. A much-needed laugh. "So you know I need to find a new place and I was wondering if I could live with you because there's no way I'll be able to afford a place on my own anymore," He nodded and told me to call him when I was done packing and he could help me with the boxes. Even if I'm basically gonna be living paycheck to paycheck at least my friends aren't afraid to help me out. 

I got home and continued to pack up my shit. As I was thinking about where the best place to sell plates would be, Shinsou crossed my mind. I broke a plate in pure rage. So now I have to sell a partial set. He is the reason I am in this position. He had no hesitation to ruin thousands of peoples' lives. It was truly disgusting, it's even worse to realize that sometimes when it was so late, and I was so drunk, that words were swimming- I missed him. 

Not so much him as his presence and warmth...and his insightful logical opinions. Also, his comebacks that never failed to make me smile- the face that rarely smiled, only when truly happy. Ok so sometimes I missed having him around. More so I think I miss having a person that was there when I woke up. A person I knew, and that I felt I could trust. I was wrong though.

I stopped thinking about him and continued to pack now very angry. "Alexa, play music," No response. I forgot I sold it online and stashed the money for a rainy day, so I just used my phone to play some music and continued. The worst part was I was still going to have to pay rent on this place until the end of the year because of the stupid living contract. After I finished with the kitchen I took a break to shower. Now that I knew I would be moving into Sero's place, I could sell a few more things like my furniture, fridge, TV, utensils, and a few more things. 

I took a long hot shower trying to destress. I was gonna be very thin on money for while, paying one-in-a-half rents on a most likely minimum wage job. Once I finished my shower I went to the last room in the apartment that had to be packed up, my bedroom. Once I put on some comfy clothes I listed a few more things online and they were just selling like wildfire. I had exchanges lined up for a couple of weeks. At least I was keeping the key.

I went back to my bedroom and looked over the city. The view blew me away the first time I saw it and it still does. But now, I felt compelled to savor it, the skyscrapers, the buildings lost in shadows, the small river that always glittered. All of it was amazing. But the heart of the city was going to be miles out of my price range by the time I lay eyes on that next payment.

Shinsou's POV

In spite of what Kaminari had said, I decided the world needed the truth. It wasn't easy because my head conflicted. I couldn't let a man who stole from his employers remain without punishment, but others didn't need to pay for what he had done. 

Unable to decide I flipped a coin and released all I knew. It was still making headlines weeks later, the company itself was believed to be untrusted now. I haven't taken up any hacking jobs since. The only thing I could think about was what the workers would do, and whether or not Kaminari was lying. 

He was a guy with good intentions who was fun when he wasn't obnoxiously enthusiastic, but if you lead with your emotions you'll make the wrong choice. Now though I think you can make the wrong choice if you lead with critical thinking. 

I don't regret what I did, I just don't. However, I wish I could have done it a little differently, because even if a fifth of what Kaminari said about the employees is true, it would mean unemployment. Over these weeks I've thought about ways I could have acted differently and nothing would have changed the outcome.

Bakugou has yet to be arrested and frankly, I have no idea why. Now though, I have to move on with my life and I'm prepared to do just that. I left my room and gave my crew jobs to do, and they were off clicking away at their keyboards. I headed back to my room leaving the door open slightly. Partly so my crew knew where I was and that I was available if they had any questions, but also to air out a smell that was strong as ever.

The smell of Kaminari's crappy cologne was still in my room and it gave me a headache. It was as fresh as when he would come into my room and act like it was all his. It feels odd to wake up every day and not see a bright yellow ball of fluff. Yet, it was even stranger to not hear music at least twice a week. Or to smell something burning because the guy never learned how to use any cooking supplies in my place. It was just strange. The pit in my stomach was gone now, but a different type of pain in my stomach arrived and I would gladly trade it for the other. 

I was able to acknowledge these small things but I refused to give into them. They were just things that I would need to get used to not having in my life.

"Brainwasher, what happened to Charge Bolt?"

Hey, gays gals and non-binary pals- what's going on?

So this chapter is very...interesting and I wanna know what you thought

At this point, there is a very small amount of chapters left and I hope you share what you think will happen in the end

That's all but I really hope I'm putting you on edge

Have a great day/night

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