Looking Up At Rock Bottom

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Shinsou's POV

I had been so wrapped up in my own mind I didn't even hear them approach. When I turned around I saw my entire gang standing there, not just the ones who were meant to be working today but all of them. I sighed quietly, I was a fool to think that this absent member could go unnoticed by them. I quickly and carefully decided what to tell them all. "As it turns out, Charge Bolt's views on certain matters I personally dealt with, differed too far from the original goal of this gang."

They looked at one another extremely confused. I watched as they shifted for Uravity to step forward holding Asui's hand. "In other words, Brainwasher put countless people out of work with one hack job and Kaminari-"

I stood up and cut across Uravity. "His name as you knew it was Charge Bolt," She continued as though I had said nothing.

"-just so happened to be one of those people! He saw what was really happening with the man named Katsuki Bakugo. He saw that he wasn't all bad, that the world isn't as black and white as you would like us to believe!" I watched as she fumed waiting for me to respond. Everyone else was quiet, I believe no one here had ever seen Uravity act like this. She took my silent stance as a sign to continue, and by she, I mean Asui.

"Guess the name Brainwasher is all too accurate for you," She looked like she was about to walk away when she paused and turned back around to face me. "By the way, you can have the apartment. I'm sick of hearing you have fights and sex with people you find so disposable."

She did walk away that time and Uravity followed. My members looked at me as if begging me to deny what they had said, but I wouldn't lie to these people. "If a few people losing jobs means more to you than putting thieves behind bars, or you lead with your emotions before your head, now is your chance to leave."

I watched as several people left the doorway, including Invisible girl, Can't Stop Twinkling, and Sugar Rush. Fantom Theif stepped forwarded with a look f disbelief and confusion on his face. "If it is really only a few people that lose their jobs, why did those two say it was so many?"

I hoped this question wouldn't have been asked, but hope is a child's faith. "With Katsuki Bakugo I made a misjudgment, and it is possible that 1000 plus people could have lost or left their jobs," I looked at all of them as fear seemed to spike their faces as well as guilt. One by one everyone that hadn't left was now gone from my doorway. I stayed where I was unmoving, seemingly frozen in place from a feeling I didn't know. 

After what could have been days, hours, or mere minutes I went and looked in Asui's room only to find most of it gone and baren. I had no idea what I should have done. So I sat down on the couch with a cup of hot coffee a warm blanket, and turned on a nature documentary. I don't know how many I watched but eventually, I fell asleep without even trying.

When I woke up I felt like shit but I knew what I needed to do, distract myself. I got up and went to my computer. The last time I saw Kaminari he had told me he never finished high school. It's been bothering me, I need to see if it's true I hacked into the database of a local high school and looked for a Kaminari Denki. Wrong high school. I did this with just short of a dozen high schools before I found it.

He really never did graduate and was reported missing in his hometown until the case was dropped when he became a legal adult. I decided to take a closer look into it in a bit. In the meantime, I worked on changing it from 'unfinished education' to 'graduated with honors'. If what I did really put him out of work the least I can do is make it a little easier for him to find work. After I did that I looked into why he was labeled as a missing person in a town, that was over a 12-hour drive from where he currently lived.

I discovered he was labeled as a runaway in his second year because he left a note saying he left of his own free will. I couldn't find much more out because the police there never seemed to figure it out. 

I was pulled out of my lost thoughts by hearing my front door slam. I looked out to see the tail end of Uravity disappear into Asui's room. I leaned on Asui's door frame before speaking. "What are you doing in my apartment?" She didn't even slow down as she looked through the desk drawers.

"Grabbing something that 'Tsu left here by accident. She didn't wanna come back and see you so," She stood up turned around, and faced me with a silver locket in her hand. "here I am. I'll leave you alone now," She pocketed the locket and walked past me.

"If you were curious why Asui is suddenly so mad at you over this, she didn't want to think your only reason was that half-assed, and now...so many are hurt," With that, she left. As that door closed all the color seemed to drain from the walls, floors, everything. 

I sat back at my computer and started to work. I had a lot to do now. Where ever I could I helped people that had worked for Katsuki Bakugo get a better digital footprint that could land them better work. It took hours, but I couldn't do enough for anyone, or anything for a large majority of them. I did what I could. I can't get mad at myself because I have no more options to help.

I got up and grabbed my leather jacket. I walked to the bar and took a spot next to this girl with navy hair that was basically balck. She decided to order me a shot of tequila, I thanked her and downed it before ordering a whisky sour. "You look like you could use a pick me up, violet boy."

She smirked and showed me a small pill with a dolphin stamped on it, it looked almost like candy. "Do I get to know what drug I'm taking?" As I spoke she placed it in my palm and closed my hand over it.

"Since your a first-timer consider this free of charge. I mean how much worse can It get when you're looking up a rock bottom?"  She giggled and shrugged like she had made an off-handed comment on the music. She leaned close to my ear and spoke in a voice so low I had to strain to hear it. "If you wanna be on top of the world again it's just one swallow away."

I hesitated but at this point, I didn't even care what happened, happy was what I was looking for real or not. She didn't move from my ear and I could feel her smiling. I opened my hand and took the little white pill.

After a couple of minutes, the lights and sounds intensified. I took off my jacket as I started to sweat. I felt like I really was on top of everything and she sat there and smiled at me for a moment watching it kick in. I felt myself smile and drag her onto the dance floor. There, things got hotter and seemed to slow down as well as speed up. I was suddenly very sensitive to touch. Everything felt so surreal and it was like the last few weeks had never happened at all...

HELLO GIRlS GAYS AND THEYS!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and found other things to read while I took the summer off basically and I feel bad for that but I start 10th grade in a matter of hours!!!

Anywho let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you think you know what will happen next!

BTW I literally cried while I wrote this so...yeah-

Have a great day/night

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