The Morning After (Part 2)

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Kaminari POV

I woke up with a raging headache and looked over to see Shinsou was still asleep after last night. I got up and put on my boxers and one of his shirts because I don't like wearing clothes two days in a row. I walked out into the kitchen to find a pot of coffee made with a little note on it, 'Don't forget to offer some to your new hook up'. I laughed slightly and tossed the note pouring myself a mug of coffee.

I stood in the kitchen for a bit just thinking. I could have sworn I had something to do today but I can't remember for the life of me. I shrugged off the feeling and got myself some creamer before walking around the apartment more. It's a bit smaller than mine and the color palette is more wood-like than modern, but it's quaint. I heard shuffling from Shinsou's room and walked over with my coffee, first thing I see him doing is looking at himself in his camera. "Do you always look at yourself first thing in the morning after sex?"

Guess a scared him because he nearly jumped out of his skin. In all honesty though who looks at themselves when they first wake up after sex? That is extremely narcissistic if you ask me. He proceeded to look me up and down paying extra attention to my hair and coffee. "Why are you wearing my clothes? And is that coffee?" 

I narrowed my eyes at him slightly in suspension. "...dodging the question. And yeah it's coffee, who I'm assuming is your roommate made it, and I'm wearing one of your shirts because my clothes are dirty," I made it a point to let him know it's a shirt and leaned against the door frame taking a sip of my drink expecting him to get up. When I noticed he didn't I couldn't not say anything. "You gonna get your ass up or not?"

"Well not with you standing there watching me like a perv," I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He doesn't want me to see him naked yet we literally fucked less than 12 hours ago. Eventually, the guy set his phone off to the side.

"Already seen your dick but whatever," I left the room so he felt comfortable and headed back to his kitchen. I made myself some toast while I waited for him and got a Uber while I waited for him. After a couple of minutes, he walked in and I smiled setting my phone on the counter. "Glad to see you're up."

He nodded and got himself some coffee as well. We talked for a little and I let him know that I wanted to join his gang, despite my better judgment. It's just too intriguing for me to pass up and I mean, you only got one life so you gotta take a risk sometimes. After that, I tied up my hair and told him I had to go so I went and got my shoes holding my phone, and headed out.

I got in the car and went home when I got inside I took my hair out of its pony and took a nice hot shower. Once I finished I put on a pair of black sweat pants and chilled in my living room watching a movie before it finally hit me- I had to work today.

I bolted up and got dressed in my work clothes and ran out of the building. I called another Uber to take me to work. As I looked at my phone I saw that I had a bunch of texts from my friends asking where I was. Stupid stupid stupid Denki! How could I forget that I had work today? God, Bakugou's gonna kill me when he finds out what happened.

Once I got to work I got an earful from Bakugou and extra hours added to my schedule and I can't tell if it was to help out my paycheck or to just be petty. Everyone else though asked if I was ok and what happened and why I was so late, they were very worried about me even though it's not like this is the first time I've been late to work or missed our carpool. Though it's never been because I hooked up with some guy asking me to join his gang after I hacked him so there's that.

"Denki what happened to you this morning?" Sero asked extremely worried for me? I wanted to laugh because he's a dork but that would be rude...I laughed.

"I overslept no big deal. Now, if you'll all excuse me I need to get to work," I chuckled and walked over to my desk and started working. It's safe to say this morning isn't going ideal but it could be worse. At least I remembered that I had work today or that would have been a lot of explaining to do because Bakugo doesn't take the fact that I have a shitty memory as an answer.

After a few minutes, Jirou came up and placed the back of her hand against my forehead. "Are you sure you're not sick? You're never that eager to start working." I laughed and took her hand off my head and kissed the back of it before tossing her hand away. 

"I promise I'm not sick, I just don't wanna piss off the guard dog anymore then I already have. You know that he would fire one of us and I'm already on thin ice," I shrugged and spun around in my chair before going back to work and Jirou headed to the break room.

...........I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!! 

I'm so so sorry I fell off the face of the earth but life hit me like a fucking brick but I am back now and it should be all good now.

How have you guys been? It's been a while and I wanna make sure you're doing good

 I know that this chapter isn't the best but I just need to get back in the swing of things and don't worry this book hasn't been far from my mind so I have a lot of ideas and I know how I want it to go

Thank all of you for your patience 

Have a great day/night

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