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Shinsou's POV

After I wrote Kaminari a thank you letter I went to work and tore into this guy. Since I now knew what was common knowledge about him I could expose what wasn't, what he didn't want people to know. I didn't get any sleep but I drained his bank account I leaked all the info, sending out e-mails from his personal account letting everyone know about what kind of person he truly was. 

After all of that was done I went out into the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee because there is no better way to start the day. After I had a few cups I went to the bank and since I transferred all the money from that guy into my own financial account, I took out as much money as was necessary to pay my members. 

I stopped by all their residents to dropped off the checks. It was a quick and easy task and by the time I got back to my apartment, he was on the news and I was fairly certain there was an article on him in all the papers and magazines imaginable. It was truly amazing when I got to see the fruit of my labor pay off. 

After I watched a few movies Asui arrived back from her shift and she sped off to her room, which is very out of character for her. I went to go check on her only to see her ransacking her closet looking for...something. "Asui, you alright?"

She whipped around to me and yanked me into her room. "I can't find an outfit that's like good for clubbing and says 'I'm into girls' that doesn't like scream I listen to Girl In Red on the daily," I blinked a few times in total confusion as this was way way out of her normal behavior.

"I mean, you do listen-" She cut me off by shushing me and placing a hand over my mouth. 

"That's not the point," She held up a shirt before sighing and tossing it to the side. "Listen that girl that I've been telling you about that's constantly in the store I work at invited me clubbing tonight with her and her friends, so I need a killer outfit to floor her," I had to stifle a laugh from what she was telling me. She's so out of sorts because she's stressing over a date.

"Here," I picked out a ripped white tee-shirt, a pair of black short shorts, fishnet stalkings, and a pair of heeled pride Doc Martians. "That should suit your needs and if you get cold, take a jean jacket,"  She looked over the outfit before smiling and pulling down my face to give me a kiss on the cheek. She quickly collected the clothes and ran to the bathroom to change.

While she was changing I fed her little frog buddy. When she came out she hugged me and began painting her nails dark green with the accent nail being a neon green. "Shinsou, you are a genius. I'm sorry I seem so on the frits about everything I'm just super nervous. I mean her friends are also gonna be there so is it really a date?" She stopped painting her nails momentarily to turn and look at me.

I thought about it for a minute, I mean it was a good point, but it was also a club and it's easy enough to ditch people there. It's very possible they're just there as a buffer to smooth things over if it gets awkward. "Yes, yes it is a date," She nodded and continued doing her nails before moving onto some light makeup.

"Will you come with? I mean she's bringing her friends, and there will be a bar," I considered it for a second before nodding. I mean what's the worse that happens, I have an awful time and go home early? Sounds like nothing if I can get alcohol.

I just wore a black tee-shirt with a leather jacket over it and a pair of jeans. My shoes were just Vans, I wasn't trying to look amazing or anything, just average. After a couple more hours Asui was back to her normal self and we headed off to the club. 

Once we got there I saw six people outside waiting in a group, two of which I recognized. We got out of the Uber and we all got introduced. "This is my roommate Shinsou, he helped me pick out my outfit," Asui twirled around with a small smile showing it off. 

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Uraraka and these are my friends, Iida, Deku, Monoma, Todoroki, and Yoayorozu," We all bowed in curtsies despite the fact that two of them we in my gang. I guess this city really is smaller than I thought. 

We all headed inside and they all started dancing. I opted to sit at the bar. As the night trailed on loud people came in and went out repeatedly. Eventually, Asui talked me into dancing for a little and it brought a slight smile to my face. I ended up dancing with this guy who had shoulder-length black hair and eyes so dark they looked black but man, he could dance. 

After a bit of that, I went back to the bar and observed the people dancing a bit more. There were a lot of people who had died hair, and at one point I saw Deku and Monoma making out in the corner as well as Todoroki feeling up Yoayorozu. She seemed to enjoy it so I didn't do anything. 

The more I watched I realized I kept seeing some short person with bright yellow hair and I'm thinking there's no way. I ignored it for a while until I saw a group of 6 people talking with the group I had come with. One of the guys there stood out impractical to me, Kaminari. He's actually fucking here. When did my luck get so shitty? I tried to avoid looking at any of them, however, I did look long enough to notice the guy I was dancing with earlier was standing with the group Kaminari was with. 

Whenever I saw Kaminari it felt like my heart dropped to my stomach and I needed it to stop because it was weird and unpleasant. I got up and started dancing with this cute short girl with silver curly hair. It was definitely a good distraction from the situation going on. At least until I saw Asui coming over to grab me. 

Is this cheesy and cliche? Yes. Do I care? No.


How have you guys been? I know it's been a quick minute since I last uploaded but I just didn't know what I wanted to happen plus life happened and it happened all at once but I promise I'm gonna do my best, I won't be perfect but I'll do my best

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because it was a lot of fun to write and I can't wait to finish this like whole night in the story out because THAT will be interesting 

Have a great day/night

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