Bakusquad Gose To The Mall

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This chapter is just filler- but it's fun so like read if you want lol

Kaminari's POV

After a while of waiting around, Kiri finally shot me a text and I headed downstairs. I got stuck in the back of that van since I was the last to be picked up like normal. "So what are we thinking for lunch y'all? Subway, TacoBell, or McDonalds?" Sero chuckled at the end of his question putting his phone back in his pocket.

"That's not even a question flat face- we're not eating fake Mexican food, and we are definitely not paying a stupidly high price for pure grease. We're going to Subway," Bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes starting to drive away, not even letting me get buckled first, well no one else in the back is buckled so I'll be fine...hopefully. Kiri laughed slightly and held Bakugou's hand to defuse the time bomb.

"So judgy of our favorite places...I'm hurt Bakugou, truly and deeply hurt," Mina placed her hands over her heart and spoke in a strained voice before 'dying'. Me and Sero faked gasped and started poking Mina until she sat up laughing and holding her sides. "Hey! That tickles!" We all laughed, even got a small chuckle out of Bakugou. Jirou pulled Mina away from us in an effort to protect her from our tickles. Me and Sero looked at each other, then quickly started tickling both of them while all laughing.

We could hear Bakugou mumble from the front seat and I caught a small smile on his face before redirecting my attention to the two ticklish girls. Kiri's laugh blended with all of ours but I could hear it very clearly, now his smile, unlike Bakugou's, was very wide. I suppose laughter really is contagious. After a few minutes of relentless tickles, the girls had tears in the corner of their eyes from laughing so much. Me and Sero decided to stop, still laughing.

"You two...are such...fucking dicks," Jirou spoke between breaths letting out a small chuckle at the end. Mina was laying on the floor on her back panting to catch her breath. Jirou was leaning against her seat with her hand over her stomach also catching her breath. We just continued laughing at their pain. I took out my phone and laid across the seats placing my head in Sero's lap and my feet in Jirou's. I opened Instagram and showed Sero memes until we arrived at the mall.

"We're here you literal children, let's get some lunch," Bakugou had his normal scowl back on his face and turned off the car. He and Kiri got out and stretched. Us four managed to get out of our positions as we all got tangled up with each other. Once we were out I put my phone away and looked around at the beautiful landscape.

"Shopping time bitches!" Mina screamed and grabbed us all by our shirts starting to run to the mall's main entrance. I ended up falling because, without my knowledge or consent, Jirou tied my shoelaces together. I could hear them laughing at my misery as I sat up and undid the knot. I ran and caught up with them at the entrance, they so kindly waited for me. "That's what you get for tickling us I guess."

"Assholes," I murmured before we headed inside. Right away we headed for the Subway. We got our food, drinks, and a table. "So, what's our first stop?" We all looked around the mall a bit looking at different stores.

"What about ICING? We know we ain't gonna buy anything so if we get kicked out for yelling Vine references, not a big deal, you catch my drift?" Sero spoke with a mouth full of food, which was disgusting but at least I understood what he said and food wasn't flying out of his mouth or anything.

"OH MY GOD FLAT FACE! DID YOUR PARENTS FORGET TO TEACH YOU FUCKING MANNERS?! DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL!" Bakugou's shout drew the attention of everyone else eating lunch and people passing by. The rest of us couldn't help but laugh and Sero chuckled too.

"Got it moommm," Our quick laughs turned into full-on laughing fits and people continued with what they were doing as we all composed ourselves. "Seriously dude, you act like such a mom sometimes," Bakugou rolled his eyes and angrily ate his food.

After I stopped basically dying I stood up with a smile. "Welp, I'm gonna go find someone hot to flirt with since I'm done, find me when all y'all are done," They scoffed at me and I just laughed, tossing my trash and walking around. After a minute or so I saw this girl with incredibly long black hair that was extremely shiny. She was clearly shorter than me with well-tanned skin and gray eyes. Makeup done well enough to please the gods, if she wasn't my type, I don't know what is.

I walked over and placed my hands in my hoodie pocket. "Hey, um, are you lost?" I approached her with a small smile and she looked at me confused. She chuckled slightly and shook her head looking at the floor before looking back up.

"Why?" She put her hands in her pockets and looked up at me with an amused smile. I gestured around at the people and stores.

"Because, this isn't heaven, and you're clearly an angle," I looked back at her with a small laugh placing my hand back in my pocket. She rolled her eyes but was still smiling, so that's a good sign at least.

"Well then," She cocked her hip to the side and placed her hand on it. "Maybe you could show me the way back," I laughed slightly, screaming internally. This literally never happens! They usually walk away by this point.

"My name's Kaminari Denki," I bowed then moved my hair out of the way, shooting her a smile. She chuckled and bowed as well before tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"Ena Ai, it's nice to meet you," She crossed her arms still smiling, I seem to be on the right track. "So, do you use that line on every girl?"

"Nah," I shrug with a small laugh. "Only the extremely attractive ones," She laughed and readjusted her Bath And Body Works bag shifting it to her other arm.

"Glad to know I qualify then. And you know I'd say your a," She shrugged and looked me up and down. "Sold six out of ten," She smirked slightly with a chuckle.

I put my hand on my chest and suck air in between my teeth. "Ouch, I think my pride took a serious blow there," We both laughed slightly. At the very least this is a fun conversation. "So I don't suppose this perfect ten out of ten would be willing to give this six her number would she?"

She thought for a moment tapping her chin. "Hmm, I don't know, that's kinda a big number gap. But I suppose it couldn't hurt now could it?" I was surprised but let out a small laugh of relief as she handed me her phone.

"Denki! There you are!" I turn around and see Mina walking over with a smile. "Come on the squad's waiting for you," She laughed and stood next to me. I chuckled and handed Ena back her phone without putting in my number.

"Sorry," I shrugged and hit Mina's arm before we laughed and ran off. I caught a glimpse of Ena walking off with what I assumed to be her sister. I beat Mina to the store and paused outside as she caught her breath from running.

"Kaminari, my dude, a random girl in the mall?" She laughed and ruffled my hair. I only pouted and fixed it before laughing.

"Did you look at her though? She is stupid hot. How do you expect me not to try and hit that?" Mina rolled her eyes with a smile and gave me the 'Really?' look.

"You man whore," We both burst out laughing. "How horny and desperate are you?"

"Very. Now, let's annoy the shit out of some mall workers," I laughed slightly and screwed up Mina's hair before we both walked in to join the others in their rain of torment.

"This is why mom doesn't fucking love you!" I laughed again as I heard Bakugou shout undoubtedly his favorite Vine. This is gonna be a fun day.

Will this girl ever come back, doubtful but oh well

Sorry this chapter took so long I broke my finger so I couldn't really write- I'm good now though

I didn't really know what to do for this chapter but I do know what will be in the next chapter so hopefully, that will be out soon

But like, I got a job recently so if chapters take a bit that is most likely why

Please do give story suggestions, I want to know what you wanna say

The story will pick up soon I swear-

Have a great day/night

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