Gay Bar, Straight Bar

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Shinsou's POV

"Boss, I have some bad news," Shoji knocked on the open door to get my attention. I alligatored my computer screen and spun my chair around to face him.

"What, Tentacole? What could be worse then what I am dealing with right now?! This better be fucking important," I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. 

"We lost Grape Juice," Tentacole looked down slightly. Grape Juice was Mineta's code name. As good of a hacker as he had been, he was a nuisance to my female hackers. Still, we lost someone. I nodded slightly.

"Well, get Tsukuyomi to handle it, he knows what to do," Tsukuyomi is Tokoyami. He was the one I had deal with things like this until I had the proper time. Tentacole nodded and walked out. When I opened my computer again the virus had somehow gotten worse. "A vires I can't undo? It doesn't even adapt to the system! What or who the hell made this?"

Kaminari's POV

"Psst! Bro!" Kiri whisper yelled over our cubical wall. "Wanna go out for drinks tonight?" I nodded with a smile. He smiled and gave me a thumbs-up before sitting down. I looked back at my computer which was pulled up to lines of code for a new virus that I just planted in some random computer. 

"What the hell is this?!" Bakugou pushed me away from my desk examining the screen. 

"Well, it's just-" He held up his hand telling me to stop and I did just that. He's still my boss after all.

"Close it, I don't want you doing this at work!" His yelling was drawing attention to us and I was becoming embarrassed. This isn't exactly a socially acceptable hobby. 

"Shhh! You're making to sound like I'm watching porn," I whispered and shooed him so I could fix it.

"I'd rather you be doing that! Don't fix it just shut it down!" I looked over at him about to speak when he cut me off. "Just do your damn work! You can fucking fix it later!" He walked away and I did as instructed. Sure it hurt my conscience but I would live with it wounded, I wouldn't without a job.

"Sorry, Keg42Brainwasher. You're gonna be screwed for a few more hours," I mumbled closing the program and returned to punching in numbers. Returning to boring. 

Shinsou's POV 

I fiddled with different ways to get rid of the virus which was slowly destroying all of my files. "I fucking swear!" I slammed the computer shut and stood up pouring my self a whiskey on the rocks. 

"Isn't it a bit early for that boss?" I turned at looked at Suger Rush downing the rest of my glass. 

"One, no. Two, we lost someone today, consider this drink in his honor," I placed the glass on the table making myself another one, not caring that is wasn't an appropriate drinking time to most of society.

"Speaking of that, do you have the time to deal with it right now?" I looked back at him with a sigh and nodded. I held my glass down toward the floor and downed it. "Aren't you meant to do that towards the sky when someone passes?"

"He's not is heaven," I placed the glass down as Suger Rush laughed. We headed out to the main room. I could deal with this virus and the potential of a rival gang later.

After about half an hour I headed back to my room opening the computer. Still there. Don't know what I expected.

Kaminari's POV

I so wish I could have just quickly fixed that person's computer. I feel bad, but I can reverse any damage. I don't wanna just sit here do this crap. It's so boring! I got up and headed to the break room and saw Sero. "Hey dude!" 

I grabbed a glass of water and wait for his response only to realize he's wearing earbuds. I pulled one out and he looked up at me. "Oh hey Kami, what's up?"

I shrugged. "Nothing much, but Bakugou wouldn't let me fix someone I hacked so now I feel bad," I drank some of my water and looked down at him since he was sitting.

"Is that what he was yelling at you about? Damn, he brings a new meaning to the word embarrassment. Everyone thinks you were watching an adult video," He laughed and stood up offering me one of his headphones. I took it with an eye roll. 

"Well I figured as much, but he embarrassed me and didn't let me fix it. He's making me as much of an ass as he is," I sighed and finished the water sliding the cup towards the sink. 

"Dude, that's not alcohol," Sero laughed and we sat on the counter. I banged the back of my head against the wall with a sigh.

"I know but just let me pretend the water will dilute my stress," Sero chuckled at patted my shoulder. 

"Alright bro, I'll let you live that fantasy," I laughed and sat up properly. Sero opened a cupboard and pulled out some of his cookies and offered me one.

"You brought those to work!? Dude, how stupid are you? Are you trying to get fired?" I whisper yelled at him for his stupidity of bringing pot cookies to work.

"You wanna dilute the stress? Take one," I shook my head and pushed the bag towards him. 

"Bakugou is already on my ass, he doesn't need to find me high," Sero chuckled and took one out, putting the bag back and eating it. "Have those been there all day?"

"Yeah, I was praying people would take them and they did," Sero laughed and finished the cookie sense he made mini ones.

Shinsou's POV

"God...breath Hitoshi. There is no virus you can't undo," I continued getting threw the second firewall, that one thankfully being the last one. I continued trying things that almost always worked, however, nothing was working on this virus. 

"If this is a person, their life is gonna go to hell if I cant recover my files. I might just do it regardless," I chuckled slightly and continued trying to cure my computer of this illness. 

Eventually, I took a break deciding that this was not worth my time right now. I grabbed my jacket and told my right-hand woman, Invisible Girl to hold down the fort while I went and got a drink. I swear, some people pick the weirdest names. 

The local gay bar, what do you expect from me? Naturally, when I take a seat at the bar the bartender already knows what to get me no questions asked. The best part of my day so far.

Kaminari's POV

"Finally! We're off work!" Mina complained and Sero offered her a cookie which she took happily. 

"Shut it! He's coming out in a minute and he will cut our hours for that comment," Jirou laughed and sure enough, Bakugou was soon out of the building and catching up with us. Not running or anything, but flaming homosexuals walk fast. 

"Dunce face, you are already on thin fucking ice! I catch you doing that again, and I will catch you if you do it, you are gone! I'm not fucking kidding!" Bakugou pointed to me and shoved his finger in my chest. I nodded in agreement, not in a fearful way though, more like annoyed.

"What were  you even doing Kami?" Mina asked with a laugh. She wanted more cookies but Sero refused to give her any.

"I was hacking," I sighed and we all got in Bakugou and Kiri's car, or minivan I guess.

"Which bar are we thinking? The gay one or straight one?" Kiri laughed from the passenger seat since Bakugou was always our designated driver. 

We laughed and I just shrugged along with Sero and Mina. "Gay!" Jirou shouted causing all of us but Bakugou to laugh as he began driving. The four of us started shouting 'Gay!' from the back seat, only for Bakugou to drive to the straight bar.

"Damn, Bakubitch strikes again," Sero chuckled as we all got out. A bar's a bar gay or not doesn't really matter. 

YO YO YO!!!! 

Ok, new book. What do ya think?? 

I might not be able to update that often because I be grounded right now...sad days

But I will write as much as I can! So yeah...that's it

Have a great day/night

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