A Slow Morning

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Completely random photo...but it's a cute random photo-

Kaminari's POV

Morning. Morning already? Wow...I can barely remember last night. Something about a hot guy...Jirou not letting me go with him...gah, my head fucking hurts. I need some pain killers and to, well, vomit. I got, up headed to the bathroom, and took a nice cold shower regaining some of my dignity that I had lost over the course of last night as I did so. I stepped out of the shower, did my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on a colorful tie-dye hoddie with ripped white jeans. Just 'cause I feel like crap doesn't mean I need to look like crap.

Wait...oh shit! I just remembered I never fixed that person I hacked. I sat down at my computer and opened my vires only to see there was no damage left. Not even proof that the virus had been planted in the computer in the first place. "Ok that's weird...maybe there was a glitch or fault in my coding," I decide looking over the coding again wouldn't hurt. There were no errors. "Very, VERY weird."

I'm about to look into it further when my phone goes off, so I pick up the call instead. "Hey hey hey!" I chuckle but rub my head slightly as Mina's excessively loud voice comes from the phone. "So, the squad thought, you know, a communal day off, let's go shopping and aggravate the mall workers by shouting Vines. What do you think?"

I thought about it for a moment. I am really curious why my virus is completely gone...but less work for me to do so, I think I'll join them. "Sounds fun. What time should we meet up?" I can hear a little victory yell from the other side of the phone and I hold the phone away from my ear. God, where did I put those pain meds again?

"Great, Kiri and Bakumom are gonna pick us up at like 11:30 so we can get lunch at the mall sound good?" I chuckle at 'Bakumom' it is fitting for him though. Kirishima and Bakugou are like the parents of the group, but sometimes we need Mina's advice so she's a...half parent? I don't fucking know anymore. Too hungover to think about this kinda shit right now.

"Yeah that's fine, see you then," I heard her hum happily in agreement before hanging up. I look over at the clock so I've got about an hour in a half before they'll be here, so a little time for myself. Hey, I actually slept a good amount tonight, that's nice, new, surprise. I laugh at my own joke slightly and turn on some music so I can vibe for a while leaving the whole virus thing alone for now.

I take some pain meds and flop down on my bed scrolling through some socials while I listen to my dope ass music. I keep scrolling for a while until I get bored and put my phone down letting it charge until I gotta leave. I sit up and open one of the windows of my apartment. Despite living in the city the air smelt clean and fresh. I rested my arms on my windowsill looking out. I live on the 17th floor of my building so the view's great. The people below look so small and the skyscrapers look smaller than when I'm on the ground as well. The clouds dance around the sky and- god, I could look at this view forever.

I let out a content sigh and go back into my place fully, feeling more refreshed than before. I lay on the floor and watch the blades of the fan spin for a while. I'm very easy to entertain.

Shinsou's POV

I didn't sleep a wink, but hey, what else is new? I sat up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I take out my phone to see what if anything is happening, wow, it's already nine huh? Asui's probably at work by now then, oh, and how sweet, she left me some coffee. I pour myself a mug of it and sit down on the couch, simply so I'm not in my stuffy room any longer. I lean back on the couch with the calming smell of coffee enveloping me. I slowly sip on my cup until I'm out and get another mug. After a few cups of that, I decide to go to the gym. It's close to noon by now so I doubt anyone's gonna be there.

I change into a pair of gray sweats, a black tank top, then plug my earbuds into my phone placing it in my pocket. I grab my keys then head out playing rap music as I start my run. It's only a mile to the gym so calling a car seems rather inefficient to me, since I'm gonna work out anyway. As I run this pimp looking dude driving an...actually pretty nice-looking car, drives by and he is so fucking loud. Like, I can hear his music over mine. I just ignore him and keep on my way. When I can no longer hear the music I quietly sigh in relief to myself.

I finally make it to the gym, I was right, there was literally no one else there, but it was nice. I begin my normal workout, nothing special just muscle training. I stop after about an hour of this I head out to get some lunch at a nice little mom and pop's place. It's always quiet and has great service. " Oh, hey Shinsou. You just wanna do your usual I assume?" The waiter that always serves this section came over with a smile. I simply nodded and he headed to the back to get what I always order.

After about 10 minutes he comes back with a BLT with extra...everything, and a few slices of avocado, a side of fries, and water. "Thanks," I mumble beginning to eat. Somehow he heard me and nodded heading off to serve another table. Once I had finished I put some money on the table, enough for the meal and a decent-sized tip, and restarted my music heading back to my apartment.

Asui's still at work I believe so I can take a shower right when I get back. I ook a cool shower to wash off all the sweat and sat took a seat at my computer. I wonder if I can trace the virus back to its creator and figure out who the hell tried to do this to me. After a while I had managed to do it and found some coordinates, however, when I looked them up, it's an extremely large compony building, one of the largest in the city in fact, large in physical size and importance to the city. Coordinates won't tell me who or even what computer it was sent from. Great, how am I meant to figure out who did this now? I could go and ask...but what the hell would that get me? No one probably even knows someone is doing this from a company computer, not to mention if they do, there's no way in hell they'd tell me. Fuck.

Hey y'all! I'm back and super sorry I was gone, I just wanna post good quality stuff

Will Denki and Shinsou meet soon? Will I make you wait several more chapters? What would you like to happen?

I really do want your guys' input, and the ship thing will be open for several more chapters but first come first serve!

This is a story for you guys so don't be afraid to share ideas, and tell me your favorite Vine so I can put it in the next chapter!!

Have a great day/night

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