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Kaminari's POV

"What a prick."
"Yeah, that was so rude- who thinks THAT'S how you flirt?"
"He was wrong altogether."
"Exactly our Denki is very smart."

I wasn't listening to who was saying what I was listening to the baller song playing. I knew I wasn't an idiot and I didn't care who else did. I know who I am and that is really all that matters. Though it was fun to tare down his shallowly built self-esteem.

After a couple more hours we all headed home, most of us totally wasted. All I know is the next morning I had a killer headache and desperately wanted to call into work sick, but I toughed it out and got dressed. 

Once I arrived I did what I always did. Put in sales numbers. I got up to go and take my lunch break when Bakubro came over to me and pulled me into the elevator. "Whoa, dude what's wrong?"

"My bank account is drained- there's nothing left!" That took me totally by surprise. Who would have the guts to steal from him like that? "I was ordering something on my break and I was told my account was empty so I called my bank," The elevator doors opened and we walked out and to his office. "They said I had wired all the money to another account and they wouldn't believe me because Ejirou uses my money for stupid shit all the time."

He seemed to be on the verge of panic. "Isn't it like, illegal for them not to look into it?" I grabbed some water for him and he just tossed it in the trash. 

"I don't know probably!" He sat at his desk and gripped his hair until his knuckles turned white. He was on the verge of a panic attack so I texted Kiri to get up here. It was only a couple of minutes until he was there to comfort his boyfriend. I turned the computer screen to me and opened the account so I could try and get Bakubro's money back, then I saw the name of the account that had the money.

I bolted up and ran out of the room with yelling behind me. I called an Uber and ran out of the building. The car ride felt like forever.






I rushed up the stairs and turned off my phone so I wouldn't have to listen to it ring. I banged on the door repeatedly and yelled. I was very pissed. "Open the fucking door we need to talk!" As I went to hit it again it opened and I thankfully caught myself before I fell onto Asui.

She blinked at me as I caught my breath for a moment. "Oh, you're from the club," I nodded and looked past her.

"Yeah hi, is Shinsou here?" She nodded and gestured to his room. "Thanks, Asui," I rushed past her and into the apartment. 

"How do you know my name?" I looked back at her then back to the room where I saw Shinsou now standing.

I let out a fast and very angry sigh. "Ask him later," I shoved Shinsou into his room and followed slamming the door. "What the actual hell!? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE BAKUGOU'S MONEY?!"

He looked at me stoned face before crossing his arms. "I have no idea what you mean."

"Yes, you do! He got his money taken from him and put into an account under YOUR gang name. Brainwasher," He looked as deadpan as ever, but I saw his hand squeeze his arm. "Why? Did you do it to spite me?" He sighed out of his nose. He's getting irritated. "Why did you even do anything?"

"I did a background check on all the names I heard last night because I got bored," He's not even denying that he did it now!

I rubbed my temples and growled slightly through my teeth. "I work for him you know. If he loses his job the whole company could dissolve because he is the only reason half the people there work there! If he gets fired I could damn well lose MY job!"

He rolled his eyes at me. "You have a job Kaminari."

"Not a reliable one! And others there DON'T! Besides he did nothing to deserve that!" Shinsou's head whipped to look at me. Now, he was mad.

"Nothing? NOTHING?! He steals hundreds of thousands- sometimes millions of dollars over the course of a year! Funneling it into his own pocket! Call it karma that he lost all his money, and if those people work at a company with as high standards as that one, they can find new work," I was livid at this point. Did he always do this little research on his own?

"THAT- that's what this is about?"


I know two posts in one week, I'm just writing all I can for this before I forget what my ideas are

Let me ask, did you see this coming?

Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments!!

Have a great day/night

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