Talking With Asui

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Shinsou's POV

One more drink. One more drink...who am I kidding? I said that five drinks ago. I stood up and grabbed my coat starting for the door after paying the bartender. I'll to just call an Uber so I don't get lost. While I'm waiting I see this drunk guy stumble out of the bar and vomit straight on the sidewalk and street. Some people I swear.

He walked over to me after...that and started clinging off of my arm. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked clearly annoyed shook him off me. The dude nearly fell to the ground. Now that's what I call not being able to hold your liquor.

"Come on, I came out tonight hoping to go home with someone as tall and cute as you, and it looks like you're my last chance huh?" He giggled and bopped my nose. I simply rolled my eyes and pushed him away again. My driver pulled up and I shoved the guy in the shutting the door. No, I didn't get in with him.

I walked to the driverside window and gave the driver some money, hopefully, enough to get this guy home. "He seems too drunk to know right from left. Just take him to where ever he says his address is," The driver nodded, took the money, and started driving off like this was a normal thing they did. Seems like I am walking after all.

After about 20 minutes of walking, and constantly checking my GPS to make sure I was going the right way, I arrived at my apartment. It was about midnight, and some people may say drinking alone is sad, but I find it rather calming. Based on the lack of cars I think my crew already went home for the night. I walked into my apartment and found my roommate in the living room watching some nature documentary. "Really Asui?"

"I've told you to call me Tsu'! We live together for Budda's sake," She sighed and ate a piece of pocky. "And yes. Nature documentaries are the best," I just rolled my eyes and headed to my room. Of course, the virus is still there. After all, why would it be gone? God, I feel like rage quitting life.

I continued to chip away at its coding, and oh my God. It's so annoying- but it's practically ingenious. It had corroded most of my files beyond recognition and completely destroyed my self-worth in the prosses. I have no clue what to do now.

After about an hour I got up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee, only to find Asui asleep on the couch. I sighed and turned the TV off. I picked her up taking her to her room, she fidgeted slightly but didn't wake up. I covered her with a couple of her fluffiest blankets and turned on her rain sounds machine before leaving and actually getting to make my coffee. I still have yet to meet an LGBTQ+ person that can take proper care of themself. She takes good care of her frog though.

I got my coffee and sat down at my computer preparing for a long night. I took a deep breath and started to pick apart everything the virus was doing. There was one file I had heavily coded that it hadn't been destroyed yet which is good. I was able, by some miracle, to open my coding system and started making a counter virus that would undo all the damage.

I finished after about another hour, maybe an hour in a half, and it actually worked! It started recovering my files immediately. "Ha! Yes!" I jumped up from my seat with a small triumphant laugh. I really only show emotion when I'm by myself, especially positive ones. I cheered a little more before flopping down on my bed.

Of course, that's when I hear giggling from my doorway. I immediately shot up and looked over at Asui. "Stone cold Shinosou being all happy go lucky? And I got to witness it? Must be a cold day in hell," Her frog was on her head and croaked...almost like he was agreeing. "So what happened? You get a hot date or something?" She walked over and sat down. Her frog hopped onto my hand and I nearly threw it from shock. It was slimy and I hated the feeling, I much prefer cats.

"No, nothing like that. I just kept all the files from getting completely destroyed on my computer," I handed her back her frog and wiped my hand off on her sleeve making her laugh slightly. She placed him on her shoulder and he settled down with a ribbit of, content almost. As I said, she takes good care of the little fella.

"You have absolutely no social life. You need to get out and meet someone. There's plenty of cute single gay guys in the city," I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I decided my coffee sounded better than talking about romance. I reached over and drank what was left of my, what? Fifth cup of coffee? I'm not keeping track at this point.

"You're single too, and what about when they ask what I do for a living? Do you just want me to say, 'Oh yeah, I run an illegal underground gang,'? Like, come on," Now it was her turn to roll her eyes, and she also hit me upside the head with a scrunched nose. For such a small girl, she's got a hard hit.

"Get yourself a fucking day job if that's your concern. It's not that difficult and we'd get more content money. We wouldn't make rent with just my income," I sighed and put my face in my hands and rubbed my eyes. An actual normal person job. How overly mundane.

"I know we wouldn't, but this is my life. I sacrifice sleep for it, relationships, hell, I sacrifice myself for this. I help expose and destroy awful people. How can I just give something like that up Asui?" She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She set her frog off to the side and tucked her arms in her sleeves and started flailing them at me hitting my arm repeatedly with them.

"Call me Tsu'!" She stopped hitting me and placed her frog in her lap. "Getting a constant income and having a day job doesn't mean you have to give up haking. What if the police suspect you and come by? What are you gonna say your job is then huh?" I sighed and fell back on my bed. She placed her frog on my face and scared the shit out of me. I screamed slightly and threw the frog away from me. I sat up wiping my face off. She laughed at me and grabbed her frog standing up making sure he wasn't hurt. "Just consider it."

She walked out and headed to her own room. If the police find me out, I need to learn how to hide my tracks better. I went and washed the frog slime off my face then laid in my bed staring at the ceiling after trading my jeans out for sweat pants. Yeah, I doubt I'll actually sleep tonight. Whoever made that vires gave me a run for my money. Wonder who it was...I mean I do need to figure out who to get revenge on. 

Hey gays, gals, and non-binary pals! How you doing?

Sorry I am really trying to update more so just be patient with me

If there are any ships you wanna see in this now is the time to tell me! The only ones off limit are Shinsou, Kaminari (obviously those two), And Kiri and Bakugou, because they're in a relationship. Other then that though- let me know if there's any specific ones you wanna see!! First come first serve though

Have a great day/night

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