
154 13 17

2 months later

Kaminari's POV

"Well, that's the last of it. officially all my stuff has been sold!" I chuckle a little a Sero rolls his eyes at me in amusement.

"What was the last thing to go?" He sat up properly and looked over my shoulder to see.

"My partial set of plates. Someone with the name @bearboba I'm just glad it's finally all gone and I can focus on work," I smile up at him and he fucks up my hair. Granted working as a waiter doesn't get the best pay but sometimes the tips are through the roof. It's one way to put my charm to good use at least.

And for some reason, it is now filed under public knowledge that I finished high school. Which was really weird but sometimes things just happen, not complaining though. After I powered off my computer and put it on the charge, Sero ran into my room fumbling to put a shirt on. "Shoes, coat, some other shit probably! Just hurry, Mina messaged the group chat saying that Kiri's been hospitalized!"

I suddenly see why he's in such a rush and I mimic him I get everything ready and we hop in his new used car. I'm pretty sure on the way we broke all the speed limits and probably nearly killed someone. Once we were at what I assumed to be the right hospital we ran straight to the visitors' desk. 

"Kirishima Ejiro! 23, just admitted tonight," The kind worker told us he was on the 3rd-floor room 372. We both thanked her greatly and booked it there as fast as our legs would take us. When we got in we saw 2 people around Kiri's bed already. I guess we were the last ones to get here. 

"What happened to him?" I sat down next to Jirou and looked at my friend. He looked so peaceful he could just be asleep.

"The doctors said he was dehydrated, malnourished, sleep-deprived, and experiencing extreme levels of stress. So he passed out right at work," I lean my head on Jirou's shoulder and she loops her arm around mine. "He should be waking up in only a few hours."

I nodded gently. "I would be stressed too. I mean 3 jobs, one that's brand new, still living paycheck to paycheck, picking up extra shifts whenever he can, and his boyfriend is on trial for theft. Anyone would be overwhelmed."

Everyone in the room nods or makes noises of agreement. "They say he needs to rest for a few days, but we already know that won't happen," Mina always managed a laugh out of us. We had all worked to make him slow down over the past few months so this wouldn't happen. But he refused to leave that apartment. He kept saying, 'Katsuki's trial is right around the corner and when he walks out free he'll need me and this place.'

Well, it's true that Bakubro's trial was in just a few days, none of us had that blinding hope like Kirishima. The rest of us knew that if he just negotiated he could probably get away with a mere 3, 4 years which is a major decries in his sentence. Kiri was practically living on Advil and Red Bull at this point. Both of which are American therefore it can't be doing him any good.

"Well, I brought my laptop. No point in waiting in silence for the guy. We could watch a few videos," Sero flashed his characteristically bright smile and lightened the heavy mood in the process. 

We all watched videos until we slowly fell asleep. I passed out on a passed out Jirou. Once visiting hours were over though we all had to leave and head home. We left notes for Kiri though in case he woke up when we weren't there. The car ride back home was quiet and tired, unlike the ride there which had been so fast and so tense, you wouldn't have been able to cut through it with a hot knife.

Me and Sero walked in arm and arm and almost immediately passed out on the couch. To be honest. We were both under a lot of pressure too, every one of our friends was. None of us wanted to see Bakubro go to prison for helping the less fortunate. Not like we had any say in it though. 

I drifted in and out of sleep all night with anxiety. Life had been such a train wreck that no one knew how to act anymore. As of currently we only had 2/3 of our group. That was enough to make all those remaining feel at least a little depressed. Kiri was in the hospital, for something totally avoidable. If that damn hacker had never made that post- or better yet found his way into my life at all, everything would still be great right now.


I hope you liked this chapter and that I managed to get across what I wanted

Let me know what all your opinions are in the comments and anything you just wanna say

Please enjoy what few chapters remain and try not to get too emotional because then it'll be a domino effect- starting with me!

Have a great day/night

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