No Going Back

187 11 31

Shinsou's POV

What does he mean? Did he know what this guy was doing? "Did you-"

"Know?! Yes! Of course I know- but he doesn't deserve this," I was baffled. He knew exactly what was happening behind closed doors and he didn't do anything to stop it? What a prick, he's no better than Bakugou himself if that's the case.

"So you didn't stop someone from stealing that much money when you could have easily based on your relationship with him? Even though it was going into his own pocket?" He rolled his eyes at me and crossed his arms.

"You need to learn how to fucking research people. That money doesn't go in HIS pocket it goes in all the employees' paychecks!" Yeah right. "The people that work for him are single parents, disabled people, homeless, veterans, young LGBTQ members, struggling students! People don't stay there because they like the jobs- they stay because MY FRIEND pays them more than any other place that would hire them!" I don't believe him. Now that I know Kaminari knows, it's likely that he blackmails Bakugou to give him extra pay and that's how he affords such a nice place.

He looks beyond angry, and even scared. "If that's the case then why do you work there? You could easily find good work based on the fact you could pass as straight, so why be there?" I watched as he seethed. It was out of character.

"BECAUSE WHEN BAKUGO FOUND ME I WAS ON THE STREETS AND BEAT TO A PULP!" He whipped away a tear and continued. "Didn't even finish high school before I was thrown out. Bakugo gave me a damn leg to stand on! So excuse me if I have loyalty!"

I want to believe him, I really really do...but's impossible. Kaminari is 22 and I can only assume Bakugo is around the same age, so if he didn't get to finish high school then Bakugo would have found him when they were both still teenagers. He wouldn't have had enough leeway at that point to get a homeless person in such a pristine company. "Don't lie to me, there's no way such a strict company would allow a homeless, and beaten teenager to represent them at any level."

"I'M NOT! Why on earth would I lie about something like that?" I snapped. I couldn't hear him lie to me again and again.

"I DON'T KNOW! MAYBE BECAUSE YOU'RE THIRSTY FOR ATTENTION? MAYBE SO YOU CAN KEEP BLACKMAILING HIM FOR INCOPIUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY?!" I took a deep breath and looked back at him. "Do not fucking lie to my Kaminari Denki. No teenager could have pull like that in that proud of a company."

He looked like I had just struck him. "The fuck is WRONG with you!? You can't even consider that he is helping people who need it most? How about you run a background check in the fucking employees- maybe then you'll see I'm not wrong."

He began to walk away but I couldn't let anything go unsaid here. "How could you not do anything?"

He wiped back around and pulled me down by the collar to his level. "What he is doing is a good thing! He is helping those down on their luck!"

I removed his hands from my collar calmly and stood back up. "The path to hell is paved with good intentions. He's a thief."

"And what do you think you are?" He glared at me then turn around to leave again and I yelled after him. 

"If that's how you think don't come back."

"Fine by me since you're too detached from your emotions to use them!" What a prick. I tare down the corupt and put them in their place. That is entirely different than stealing from the people who give you a job. 

Asui popped her head in the door with her frog on her head. "Is everything ok in here?" I nodded and sat on my bed she sat with me and I could feel her and her frog staring at me. "Who was that guy? Why did he know my name? I hope you didn't start telling your illegal underground gang about me," She elbowed me slightly with a laugh.

"No, I mean he was in my gang but he was also the guy...that was always over," She nodded. 

"Ok give me one minute," She smiled and stood up leaving me with her slimy companion. She returned with two mugs. One of hot coco and one of coffee.

"I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not upset," She forced me to take it gestured for me to take a sip so, to humor her, I did. "Whiskey huh?" She nodded proudly and took her amphibian back. 

She drank some of her hot chocolate and we sat in silence for a few minutes. "So...did you kick him out of the gang?" 

I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair. "Effective immediately. He had real talent, so it's a pity that he used his heart more than his head," She listened to me, or at least pretended to. 

"Well, personally, I think that you should reconsider before you make up your mind," I sighed and shook my head drinking more of the spiked coffee. 

"Too late."


This chapter is a bit shorter than normal but I hope you enjoyed it, let me know on a scale from 1-10 how shocked and heartbroken this chapter made you

Thank you for supporting me this far- it's not over but we are in the final home stretch so let me know what you think is next for this story

Are you on Kami's side (aka heart side) or Shin's side (aka mind side)

Have a great day/night 

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