The Mask Maker

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The alleyways of Castelia City were among the roads less traveled. The temperature had grown colder, and the beautiful red and golden leaves that once occupied the trees had started to fall off, their life cycle coming to an end. Other than a couple of stragglers making shady deals, not many cared to explore the lonely secret passageways when the grand city, with its seemingly never-ending variety of cafés and shops, left nothing to be desired.

Until recently, that is. A new figure had recently appeared on the police radar.

"Sir, we have a new report of a robbery." A young rookie police agent had entered the doorway of the chief holding a small stack of papers. 

"Okay, and..? Was Team Rocket involved?"

"No sir, but- "

"Then why are you bringing this to me? Unless Giovanni himself walked out into the streets and shot someone, I don't need to know about a petty robbery."

"Well, that's the thing sir, this is one of multiple reports that have been filed in the last week and a half, all dealing with one unknown—and from what they say—strangely dressed suspect in the alleyways of the city." 

The police chief leaned back, putting his legs up onto his desk as he rubbed his chin. "Hm. What did the witnesses say about their appearance? We have plenty of known criminal organizations whose members like to dress up. I mean, look at Team Galactic."

"That's another thing," he said. No one can really aptly describe what the suspect looks like, except for one key detail. A sort of mask that they've all remarked in some way or another as being confusing to look at. It's reportedly black, white and red, with half of a glowing eye on the forehead. Some likened it to Thalia and Melpomene. You know, the two smiling and frowning masks from ancient drama or whatever? They all said looking at the, uh...ahem, 'forehead eye thing' gave them the creeps."

"Well...that does sound confusing, I suppose. Keep an eye on the areas where the suspect was seen. See if you can find any commonalities and possible motivations. If any of the organizations don't seem to be involved, I don't currently see much of a threat. That said, if this continues, our suspect could get cocky."

"Yes sir."

The police agent was right, the mysterious figure was a confusing sight to behold. That is, the suspect in question looked normal from the neck down, with a dark grey sweater vest fit over a white button-up shirt, tucked into fitting pants that still allowed our thief to run if needed. The large black boots were chosen for the same purpose. A blood-red necktie stood out from the rest of the ensemble. Topping it all off was a black untied trench coat that reached the top of the boots, worn in true Unovian fashion. A belt, which matched the coat and shoes, held 6 Pokéballs with custom designs. They were painted black, with red fangs coming from the red center line that ran through the middle of the ball. Each fang was placed on either side of the button that opened the ball, releasing an uncommonly powerful Pokémon. The hands that carried out the crimes were covered by black and white gloves. 

That was where the normalcy ended. Look at the suspect's face and you'd see a confusing combination of expressions...and eyes. On the left side, going from the top of the mask to the bottom, was an ear, eyebrow, and eye, all resembling those of a Mightyena. A black teardrop shape was placed below the eye. In fact, every feature of this side of the mask was black. The mouth on this side of the mask was curved down in a frown, showing a large fang coming up from the bottom, again very much resembling a Mightyena.

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