The First Mission

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The Mask Maker inhaled deeply as she sat cross-legged under a large tree, her eyes closed. No mask hid her face as she meditated in solitude, trying to dive deeper into her mind to understand what made her this way. The crisp autumn wind gently blew strands of hair across her face as she tried to understand the monster within, the same monster that compelled her to take to alleyways and hypnotize strangers. Even though she strove to maintain balance, it seemed to always be viciously fighting to gain control over her soul. 

I don't understand. I've changed forever, pretty much splitting into two.

The trainer checked her watch. It was almost time to go to the Rocket HQ to look at her redesigned outfit and newly made gear. She headed back to her own small hideout, and changed into what she normally wore as The Mask Maker. Though she had been a bit clumsy with small details that would give away her identity, she had learned a lot in the several weeks since she'd started. She always made sure to shower and put on a different scent (because she supposed even criminals had to smell nice if they wanted to be respected), and was careful to remove or switch out any accessories of hers that she wore as a normal citizen. This included her Z-Ring or whatever accessory was required for the region she was in. She finished getting ready and went to the same alleyway where she was ambushed by Looker and "saved" by Proton two weeks ago. It was swarmed with police agents for a week or so, but after finding nothing useful, they had left. 

She got there a bit early, so she sat in the same chair she was in right before her and Looker had gotten into that scuffle. He was a friend of hers, but he didn't know that. She didn't have the heart to try and hypnotize him that night. She was crossing the line between innocent trainer and criminal more and more, but at least she had some heart left. She was glad Finn never showed up. Becoming a monster, (at least that's what she felt like), was her fate, but it didn't have to be his.

"Hey there, trainer!" a voice called. 

She rose with a start, but to her relief it was a Team Rocket grunt. 

"I'm supposed to get you to HQ," he said. "The helicopter will be here in 5." 


That's an odd word choice...something doesn't feel quite right. 

The Mask Maker placed a hand on her belt. 

"I'm going to need you to stop walking towards me first," she said.

The grunt didn't slow down much. 

"Now hold your Rapidashes, kid. There's no need for th—"

She took a Pokéball and started to throw it towards him.

"Malamar! G—What?"

The Rocket grunt had sent out a Hypno, and it was swinging its pendulum side to side. She wanted to look away, but it was so entrancing she couldn't help it, even through her mask. Her eyes were becoming unbearably heavy. 

"Sorry, miss," its trainer said. "You're not supposed to know where we're headed quite yet."

"Heeey, sleepyhead! You awake yet?" Proton asked, poking the trainer in the arm. She sat up, feeling oddly better this time than she did the last time. That was great, because she could stand up and show him how she felt about the situation.

"Are you kidding me?! " she yelled. 

"Sorry! It's just that good ol' Giovanni is very particular when it comes to staying hidden," Proton explain, putting a hand behind his neck. "If someone knows how to find us and the International Police finds out, we'd have to move. Have you ever tried moving an entire building like this? We have. It's not fun."

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