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"Welcome back to Unova News, where we're dedicated to bringing you the latest headlines on region-wide events. I'm your host, Valerie. In an upcoming special segment, I'll recount the story of my encounter with The Mask Maker while on vacation in Alola! Is she really the monster everyone makes her out to be? Stay tuned!" 

Morai stood—in her regular clothes, of course—with her head cocked to the side as she looked up at the big screen in the Battle Subway. The woman on the TV was indeed the one she helped two days ago in Alola. She had seen her on the news before, but she didn't draw the connection when they had met that night. The trainer was standing between the two leaders of the subway, Ingo and Emmet.

"Well, yes, taking control of someone's mind and stealing their Pokémon is something a bad person would do," Emmet said.

"I suppose we can't draw conclusions based on what we see on television, brother, but everyone's conclusions about her do seem to be true," Ingo said.

 Morai had frequented the Battle Subway for years, and had become well acquainted with its leaders. Though she was a strong trainer, she was still unable to defeat them in battle when they weren't holding back. Everyone knew of their strength, and no one dared to do anything that disrupted the smooth operations of the subway unless they wanted to face the pair. Even Morai herself had made an internal promise not to go anywhere near the station while wearing a mask, both out of fear and respect. 

"Should she ever appear here, she'd find herself at her final stop in her criminal career," Emmet said. He just so happened to be hanging up a warning poster about the very trainer they were discussing.

"I wish we could cross paths, but I can't find her anywhere. When I do, I'm going to take her down," Morai said. She occasionally liked to talk like that about her secret self, but not to a suspicious degree. 

The trainer said goodbye and parted ways with Ingo and Emmet as they went off to their respective duties. She was about to board the train to Anville town when her phone started to buzz. 

No Caller ID 

She was going to ignore it, but she had a feeling she knew who was on the other side.


"Hey! We need you at the Unova HQ like, now," Proton's voice said. "Please get over here as fast as possible. Bye!" 

"Wait, but—"

Beep beep beep. 

Geez. Sure Proton, I'll just drop my plans and head over there right away!

Morai turned on her heel and walked out of the Subway, flew to her hideaway, got ready, and headed to the Rocket headquarters. Since becoming a "partner" of Team Rocket, she had been informed of their HQ location in each region, but she had to take special care not to be followed. She would go to a certain location, find two grunts, and give them the password. Then she'd be taken to the base. 

Once she arrived, she was led to a door. She opened it, but it was completely dark inside...for a second. A loud pop of confetti was heard as soon as the light turned on. 

"Congratulations! You're on the most wanted list Interpol has your fingerprints and is about to find out who you are!" Proton exclaimed. 

"Uh...what?" Morai asked.

"You've made it on the Interpol's most wanted list you're about to be found out!" The Executive said again.

"Do you want to...reiterate that last part?" 

"Sigh...yes, but here. Put this party hat on. It'll soften the blow. I mean, probably not, but wear it anyway," he said, handing Morai a colorful cone hat. She reluctantly put it on, and it looked silly over her mask. Proton and the other two Executives were the only ones in the room, which had been decorated for a celebration. Archer and Petrel weren't looking particularly excited. 

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