An Upgrade

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"So...what comes next?" The Mask Maker asked. She retracted her hand and sat still on the couch. If she was honest with herself, she didn't really know what she had just done. But she was just one trainer, and she could use an alliance with the biggest underworld organization. That said, she still didn't know what Team Rocket was going to get out of this. She had heard rumors that some of the best scientists alive today were employees of this enterprise. They could likely create whatever they wanted. 

"Well, if you don't mind me saying this, I think you're in need of a bit of an upgrade," Giovanni said. 


"What you've managed to create so far is the perfect foundation for something very powerful and valuable, but I know that your mind control ability in its current state has quite a few restrictions. With the best of Team Rocket's scientists at our disposal, I'm sure we can create something that surpasses those limits tenfold."

"So you want me to tell you how it works, so you can steal it and use it for yourself? Is that what this is about?"

"Oh my, no. What's valuable is who's behind the mask. You're an obviously strong trainer, and you have a kind of determination that's rare. That's why I believe this alliance will benefit the both of us greatly. But it would be cruel to let you run around in your current state, when we can help you be so much more powerful." 

"Hmm...fair enough. My mind control abilities are at their limit right now, but I have a feeling that there's much more to learn."

"Well, you can discuss it with the scientists and weapons specialists later. Though, I would like a but of an insight into how it works."

Weapons specialists? They have that? Of course they do, they're Team Rocket. I guess this is considered a weapon.

"'s...complicated, you see. I look people in the eyes and...well, it's just simply too complicated to explain," The Mask Maker stammered. 

Giovanni looked at her a moment. 

"Do you...know how it works?" he asked with a slight smile. 

"Of course I do!" she insisted. "But it's finicky. It took a lot of time and strict training just to get to the level I'm at today. It will take much more to reach greater heights." 

"Well, enough of that for now," Giovanni said. "You asked what was next. You should talk to another one of my executives who goes by the name of Petrel. He's an expert in the art of disguise, and will now be a great deal of help to you. You'll find him in the dining hall by now. I trust you can find it yourself, and if not, just ask whoever's around. I'll tell him to look out for you." 

Thunder was rumbling in the distance, and you could hear the rain pounding on the windows. The Team Rocket boss had gotten up to look out the window, but he looked back and gave a faint smile. 

"Team Rocket looks forward to your partnership."

The Mask Maker gave a nod and turned to leave. She walked out of the double doors and half expected to be attacked on sight. But the grunts stood there, at attention, apparently in the loop of the deal that had just been made. She looked around and thought for a moment.

The dining hall...It couldn't be that important, so it definitely wouldn't be on the top floor. I doubt it's on the floor I was kept in earlier, either, so that rules out two. 

She stood at the elevators and pressed the button to go down. The doors opened and she walked inside, turning to face the panel. 

So many buttons! And they're all labeled very vaguely. Okay, think. If this floor is the--

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