The Test: Part 3 (Finale)

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Agent Doyle leaned against one of the frozen stone walls of the large shrine, his heavy breathing made clear by the large clouds of condensation in the frigid air. He wasn't built for chasing down and fighting criminals. No, he fought crime in a much less violent—though often equally effective—manner: negotiation. 

In a way, he was the International Police's own mind controller, except that the art of persuasion was much more complex. One had to be acutely aware of other people, paying precise attention to what they were feeling and what feelings they were trying to hide. The micro-expressions that only appeared on someone's face for a fraction of a second before they feigned a different expression revealed how they truly felt. The pitch of their voice and the words they use, the way their feet point, and all small body language cues that pointed to their true intentions. One then had to take that information and respond accordingly, gently directing the person to do exactly what they wanted, or at least the closest thing to it. Of course, such a feat would be harder with someone who's face was completely covered, but if anyone could convince a young woman to accompany him and several armed officers to an undisclosed location, it was Doyle. 

"Oh yeah? This battle had the excitement of an unseasoned side salad, you bloody coconut!" Bede yelled quite loudly at a Team Rocket grunt, who was part of a group that had attempted to bombard them as they tried to reach the shrine. 

Morai chuckled to herself and shook her head. They had managed to make it to the peak, Bede engaging many of the grunts in a Pokémon battle while Morai used her psychic powers to take care of the others. The few that remained at the end seemed to lose interest. Morai had thought that they simply didn't want to battle knowing they would lose, but Giovanni had called them off, eager to see the plan completed now that the International Police had arrived. He also wanted to steer clear of his organization's foes, just in case they decided to pick off a few of his men as extras. 

Both trainers looked up and beheld the tall cathedral-like building. It really was beautiful, with it's frosted brick walls and tall windows. A giant snow-tipped tree sprung up from the inside, towering over the roofless shrine. It seemed a shame that most people wouldn't see this mark of beauty amidst a cold and desolate land. 

The pair walked inside, both of them breathing heavily after fighting their way up the long staircase embedded into the mountain. 

"Alright! I did it!" Morai yelled. "Can I go back now, without being chased by Rocket Grunts?" 

There was silence. 

Until a voice emerged from somewhere in the shrine. 

"Hello! You must be The Mask Maker," it called.

Morai's head snapped toward the source. A portly figure walked out from behind a stone wall in the distance, resting both of his hands on the umbrella he carried when he came to a stop. 

"The name is Agent Doyle, Miss."

Morai instinctively positioned her feet into a fighting stance, though her supposed opponent was several yards away. 

He's with the International Police, she thought. But how...?

"Is it alright if I come closer? There's no need to be threatened. In fact, you pose a greater threat to me than I do to you. Criminal apprehension isn't my line of work." 

Morai leaned just a little closer to Bede. 

"Um, do you mind if I borrow your voice?" she whispered. 

Bede's eyes widened. 

"What? You want to hypnotize me?"

"I don't want to use my real voice," the trainer answered. "It won't hurt, I promise." 

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