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"I know that what we're about to reveal to you is going to be a shock, and it is very likely that you will not agree with our judgement," Ingo announced to the group of Depot Agents. They were all gathered in the station's battlefield, where many agents came to sharpen their skills against their coworkers. They also had weekly tournaments, where almost all of them gathered together to crown a champion for the week. Ingo and Emmet often joined in, but they usually faced each other in the last round, and it usually ended in a draw. 

"However, we hope that you will trust our judgement, and know that we have good reason to do this," Emmet added. 

"As of today, we have a new employee. They are not going to be a typical Depot Agent, and will largely stay out of your way. That said, they are going to help things run even more smoothly, freeing up some of you from the small tasks that threaten to take your schedule off-course," Ingo explained before nodding to the side at Morai, who was standing outside of the doors. She walked out and joined the two brothers, trying to look confident but not threatening. 

Nearly everyone in the group stifled a gasp. Some jumped up, Pokéball in hand. Morai instinctively took a step back and flared her psychic power, but the glow didn't come to her eyes. She immediately fixed her position and glanced at the agent she almost hypnotized. 

I tried, for a split second, but it didn't work. I really have lost access to Shadow Morai's abilities. 

The Subway bosses both held a hand up—Ingo's right, Emmet's left—to stop anyone from advancing upon the trainer. A few of the staff took longer to sit back down, glaring at Morai and looking to their bosses with a look of betrayal. The young trainer felt her muscles tense up, and she forced herself to relax again. 

"Yes, this is who you think it is. This is who most of you refer to as The Mask Maker. Everyone that should know of her presence here knows, and she is not breaking any law by being here. An...agreement...was made with the International Police. Her powers could prove to be useful to this subway and to society as a whole. Morai, which is her more personable name, has proved that she has had a change of heart, and that will be tested here, as she works to help the place we all care for dearly run smoothly...Morai, would you like to say a few words?" Ingo asked. 

"Uh, ahem, I-I know that every one of you is extremely hesitant to accept that me of all people could have a change of heart. Maybe you think that Ghetsis himself will denounce his ways before you ever begin to fathom working alongside me," Morai spoke, regretting the fact that she had just lumped herself into the same group as one of the worst villains of all time. "However, I hope to win you over in the weeks to come, and prove that I'm not the person portrayed on TV...at least not anymore. I know you protect the Battle Subway with your lives and livelihood, so please allow me the chance to help." 

The Subway Bosses both stood with their arms crossed behind their back, looking at the reactions of their subordinates. Suddenly, everyone's radios went off, and Ingo answered his. 

"There appears to be a herd of Bouffalant blocking the track to Anville town. The timing is favorable, considering that this is where Morai's abilities will come in handy. Morai, do you think you can handle this?" Ingo asked. Morai nodded. "Good. Rufus, you have seniority. Please accompany her," Ingo ordered. Rufus, a surly-looking man, saluted and headed toward the door, nodding at Morai to follow him. Morai copied him, awkwardly saluting then shuffling toward the door. 

"We'll be taking this little car here," the Depot Agent said. "We don't have to rush, since the train to Anville doesn't leave for a couple more hours." Rufus was a pale redheaded man with a deep voice, and his burly build made Morai look smaller than she was.

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