The Best Man for the Job

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It had been almost three weeks since Jason, the man who had encountered the unknown trainer in  the alleys of Castelia, had appeared in the police station. No one had heard or seen anything since. It was almost as if the mysterious trainer had never existed, leaving behind no trace except for the minor injuries left upon their victims. 

When Jason awoke in the hospital the day after the incident, he could barely recall the details of what had occurred. Other than the glowing features of both masks and a vague description of the person who had attacked him, he couldn't remember anything that could've helped the police. Even days later, after being given a chance to completely recuperate in hopes it would sharpen his memory, no revelations or leads had come out of the process. Other than the fact that the trainer was somehow capable of mind control, which was another mystery on it's own. 

"Nothing? Not even a footprint?" asked Horace, the Captain of the Castelia City police force. He was an old fashioned, well dressed man of about 50 years. He started as a rookie 26 years ago and worked his way up through the ranks. He was tough, but well liked by everyone else at the station. 

"No prints, sir...but we did just find this." Felix, the young officer who had originally brought the string of reports to the captain, held up a piece of paper with text that wasn't written by hand. He had just arrived with a team who had been tasked searching the alleyways to find anything that could lead them to the trainer. 

"It looks to have been typed with a typewriter. I guess the author wanted to make sure their handwriting couldn't be traced."

"Dearest friends at the Castelia Police Department," he read.

"I've always loved solving mysteries, and my absence would be even more puzzling and exciting had I left a good riddle of some sort, but I have to admit, I hadn't the time to come up with a good one, so I'll just tell you the news. 

I think you will be happy to hear that I've moved on from your vicinity, for the time being at least. I've taken myself on a trip to a city more puzzling than any other, and plan to continue my work there. 

By the way, I think the nickname 'The Mask Maker' is charming, if not a bit long. I've yet to come up with a name for myself, so that one will do until then. 

Yours Truly, 

The Mask Maker"

"Moved on?" Horace questioned with a furrowed brow. Someone had robbed and attacked innocent trainers, then vanished. And now they've left a note, of all things. He had to admit, he was a bit annoyed. 

"A city more puzzling than any other, huh?" Felix wondered aloud. He put his fingers to his chin to think for a moment, but it didn't take long to figure out that it was...

"Oh, I know! Lumiose City, in the Kalos region! It's always been known for it's confusing layout. I went there myself a few years ago."

"Did you get lost?"

"Heh, well, the comments about it are certainly well-deserved...but why would they tell us where they're headed?" Felix added, changing the subject. 

"Because they want attention. Some criminals revel in evading capture, until they get too confident in their abilities, ultimately leading to their demise. I've seen it many times. Now that this one has supposedly flown the coop, I suppose all we can do for now is leave it to the International Police—until they come back here, at least." Horace set the note aside with a sigh. 

"Well, about that..." Felix started rubbing his neck, obviously about to deliver some unsavory news. 

"What is it?"

"Many of the citizens are, ahem, freaked out by what happened a few weeks ago.  They want to know what's being done about it. They were pressing for answers, so I might have told a couple of news stations we'd make a statement about the situation..." He cleared his throat. 


"Uh...15 minutes?"

"Great. I get to tell them we've lost the suspect," Horace said. 

"Sorry, sir. I told them earlier today, confident we'd have answers after the search."

Horace gave a sideways glance as walked out of the office and prepared to give a statement. He hadn't prepared notes or anything. Then again, there wasn't much to say on the matter, other than the fact the perpetrator had left a lovely note boasting about their evasiveness. 

"Sir, what information has been gathered that could lead to the arrest of the trainer, and how close are you to that arrest?" a young woman asked. She was one of many journalists, most of them rookies who were dying to get a good story. 

The chief cleared his throat. "Well, I'll admit, this one didn't leave much information to be gathered." 

"So you're saying you're not close at all?"

"I didn't say that. Our suspect covered their tracks well, but rest assured, we're working diligently to bring this criminal to justice."

"The citizens of Castelia and the surrounding areas have felt very unsafe following the incident. What words can you give them?"

"What happened three weeks ago was certainly nothing to take lightly, but there have been no more crimes like it. The victims involved in the robberies following up to the attack were not harmed, and the gentleman in the attack has fortunately made a full recovery. These crimes were confined to places that very few people visit, so if you don't go looking for the trainer, you'll most likely avoid encountering them. We also have reason to believe they've left the area, but we do not yet have evidence to back up this claim."

The interview could've certainly gone better. 

Meanwhile, the Kalos office of the International Police had received the original report, and the note and mask were sent afterward. They handed the case to the best man for the job. 

"Hm. A criminal in disguise and no good description of them?" Looker asked. He examined the file and the little information that was in it, which made him smile. 

"Looks like I'll have to see them myself. I won't be so easy to spot either." 

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