Will I Make It?

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The Mask Maker walked to the table, being sure to put her hand on the chair closest to the door across the room. She sat down and waited for him to do the same. He gave a sideways glance as he walked past and took a seat. He took the deck and started to shuffle it. The trainer had no idea what they were about to play. She glanced down at the legs of the table, just to make sure what she was about to do wasn't going to fail before it even happened. She looked back up at Proton, who was still shuffling the deck the grunts had left behind earlier. She took a deep, silent breath, and rested her forearms on the table. Then, with all of the strength she could muster, she moved her arms down and pushed the table forward in an attempt to pin him against the wall, or at least stun him to buy some time. 

He let out a small surprised wince and dropped the deck, and scrambled to compose himself so he could stand up and deal with the situation as quick as possible. She leaped around and got a jab in, but before she could do it again he grabbed her wrist. 

Because of his job and training, his reaction time in spite of pain was superb. 

His attacker put her free hand on his shoulder and kneed him in the side. She didn't attempt anything too violent with Looker because he was an old friend, but with Proton this seemed like a life or possible death situation. She was only trying to incapacitate him. He pushed the table away, but let go of his attacker's wrist and stumbled in pain when he tried to lunge towards her. 

"Gah! Darn it, Two Face, why'd you have to go and attack me like that? We were getting along fine!" Proton groaned. He stood up and reached for a Pokéball, but they were gone. His now opponent had taken the two of them when she had the chance, while he was still behind the table. 

"Wow," he said with an impressed grin. "You're more feisty than I thought." 

The Mask Maker said nothing and let her Hydreigon out of its ball. She knew Proton was clever and strong, and though she was a stronger trainer, she would have to fight off who knows how many Team Rocket Grunts on her way out, and still have one available Pokémon to fly her off the aircraft. It was better to skip the battle with Proton and save their strength, just in case. 

"I'm going to need your keycard...and everything else you have." She could probably blast through the door with her Pokémon, but she was going to try and do this the smarter way, instead of just using brute force. 

Just then, she heard the beep of the door code being entered correctly, and the heavy door was swung open. A swarm of Team Rocket grunts, electric weapons in hand, had come to assist their leader. 

"You! Drop your ball and put your hands up! Now!"

The trainer took a defensive stance and opened her mouth to command Hydreigon to attack, but Proton cut her off. He had been clutching his side, but lowered his arm. 

"Now now, Two Face. Why so aggressive? You weren't in danger. I gave you food! Overreaction much?" he said in a cool tone. 

She glared at him. 

"Yes, many thanks for offering the old donuts," she retorted. "The stale bread would've paired perfectly with the boxed macaroni." 

"Touché. But anyway, I can promise you you're not in danger. How about we just forget this whole thing and go back to playing cards, eh? Let bygones be bygones."


"Welp, looks like you've chosen the hard way, then," the executive said, throwing his hands in the air. "This is your last chance, Mask Maker. Call your Hydreigon off."

She didn't reply, but instead signaled to Hydreigon to attack. As soon as she moved, Proton cocked his dart gun and ran at her. He put his hand out to shoot her Pokémon with a dart as he did so, without taking his eyes off of her. He landed a perfect shot. The dragon let out a roar, unable to see what it had been hit with. It had been hit in its blind spot. Its trainer was about to call it back until she remembered she had to deal with the Rocket executive that was charging at her. In a split second reaction she put her leg up for a push kick. It worked in keeping him away for a second, but now she had to figure out what else to do. He wasn't going to stop trying to subdue her. 

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