A Glimpse Into Her Mind

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The masked trainer walked down the alleyway after a night of roaming around, and was now headed home. Well, the place where she changed disguises, anyway. She had talked to a lone trainer for a while. She liked to do that. She could ask questions and say things she had never said before, and she could pry to try and find the shadows that lurked inside of other people, and the weaknesses that could destroy them. 

She walked by the window of a small abandoned restaurant and stopped. A reflection stared back at her. She was looking at the result of reaching deep into herself and offering a hand to the creature that lurked within. Her mask represented the conflict between two things. Two creatures. Two opposing natures. 

"I really should do something with my hair"  she thought, running her gloved fingers through the ends of her brown locks.

"My outfit could use a change, too."

She had decided this part of her wasn't going away. She got home and opened her journal. The last entry that had been written was from 7 weeks ago. Time had gone by fast. 

August 3, 2020

What is this new feeling? I feel like I've split in two. Like I have a shadow self looming behind me, constantly reminding me of its presence. Everyone has something like that, I know, but does it feel like this?  When I look in the mirror, who's really looking back? On the outside I represent the good in the world. I help take down villainous organizations  and wouldn't hurt a Cutiefly, but this other part of me is the complete opposite. She's the embodiment of the secretly held beliefs and the things I don't let myself do or say, because if I did I'd be put right next to people like Lysandre or Cyrus, or even Ghetsis (ugh). I've made so many friends throughout my travels, but what would they do if I switched to this shadow self? This...monster?  They'd disown me! 

I have so many questions, but most of all, which side is the true me? Is the answer in balancing them both, like a yin and yang sort of thing?  But they're not coexisting, it's like they're fighting for dominance over my personality. I'm suppressing one while letting the other constantly hold the spotlight. I mean...maybe I should give the spotlight to the other part of me. Maybe I should let the monster out of its cage, so to speak. I don't really like it, but it's there, and it's definitely not going away...so why not indulge it for a while and give it what it wants? 

I can't just come right out and do that though. If I did I'd most certainly lose my reputation. I'd have to hide it. As long as I can hide my face and make the rest of my body hard to see, I should be fine.

I think I'll do it. I've hid the part of me that truly feels like me for far too long, and if I keep doing that, it'll come out in a way far more troublesome then what I'm about to do. Now the question is, what do I call myself? 

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