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Morai opened her eyes, but she didn't shoot up in terror like she often had when a dream turned sour. She laid there, a little amazed, a little happy, and she felt peace. It was as if she could still feel the warmth on her forehead from her dream counterpart's soft touch. 

The Mind's Eye. Just one of apparently many abilities that I have yet to master. I need a rematch with Mienshao so I can test this out. 

"Ahem, are you alright?" a voice asked. 

It was then Morai realized that she was laying on the floor...in a building...in front of a group of people. At that realization, she shot up and looked around. Everyone except Avery and two other trainers were dressed in the same yellow uniforms. 

"Well hello there! It looks like we've found the cave-dweller lurking around the island. You're quite the fighter, going up against Mienshao like that!" a new voice cheerfully exclaimed. 

An older man walked out of the group with his arms crossed behind his back. Morai guessed that he was the head of this dojo given his age and the teal blue track jacket and hat that he wore. 

"If you'll come with me outside for a moment, I'd like to discuss that fighting style of yours that I've heard about. Hehe, it is my island after all, so it's not like there's much of a choice there!"

Morai decided to do as she was asked for the time being. She wanted to avoid any disturbances that could lead to her discovery and capture, especially as she was on the cusp of learning a new skill. She had definitely pushed herself before she fainted. Her muscles were sore and her limbs were spotted with bruises. The micro-cuts from Mienshao's whip-like fur didn't help either. She didn't mind these ailments very much, though, because they were proof that she had worked hard. 

"Being a former Fighting-type trainer myself, I am interested in your training methods. But that's not why I dragged you out here. I wanted to ask what you're doing all the way out here!" 

The man held up Morai's original mask, causing her to check her belt and realize that it was missing.


"I've probably seen this on TV a hundred times! Oh, wipe that look off your face, my girl! No one else here knows who you are," the man cheerfully said. "I hog the only TV on this island, and Klara and Avery must be so busy battling on the mainland that they don't even notice! When I saw that The Mask Maker had apparently gone into hiding and that someone mysterious had appeared on this island, why, I put two and two together. But I have to say, wearing this on your waistband for all to see isn't the brightest idea!"

Am I about to get arrested, or...? 

"I don't want any trouble here, sir," Morai said. "You have my apologies for showing up in secret. I can't go anywhere without being followed and confronted, so I was looking for a place to train in peace."

"Well, I can't blame you for wanting some peace and quiet! The only problem now is what to do with you..."

"If it helps, I'll be entering a deal of sorts with the International Police once I return home. I'll be helping to maintain order at a battle facility in Unova under their watchful eye." 

Morai was honest, but she conveniently left out the fact that she had also kept a deal with Giovanni. Though, to be fair, she had grown to really dislike him, and planned to use whatever she gained here on this island to take him down. 

"You don't seem to be as mean as they say, you know. In fact, every bit of you is a little surprising! You don't strike me as the type to go around causing trouble," the yet unnamed head of the dojo said.

"I've heard that before...there's a reason my mask has two sides," Morai replied. "Either way, I'm just here to train with my Pokémon for a time. After that, I'll be off to Unova. If you don't mind me staying here a little while, I won't interfere with your work."

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