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Like most people, Colress had made the mistake of looking her in the eye before he realized who she was. Morai took control of his mind and his hands fell limply to his sides.

"Ooh, am I next?" Grimsley asked with a false tone of fear in his voice.

"Not unless you're going to try and stop me," Morai answered.

"From doing what?"

"I've been captured by Team Plasma and am being forced to kidnap him," Morai answered. She didn't see the harm in being honest. As far as she remembered, Grimsley wasn't the type to go snitching to any figures of authority. "He's going to be forced to create a device that can control my mind so that I can do who knows what on Ghetsis's behalf."

"That buffoon is still at it, hm? I suppose the third time's the charm, as they say. Why can't you just walk away? I don't see anyone else around."

"They're watching from above, and if I try and leave, the Shadow Triad will be right on my tail. I have a better chance of taking Colress back and conspiring to escape with him."

"Hmm," Grimsley hummed, rubbing his chin. "You've gotten yourself into quite the pickle. I'm afraid I quite like Colress, so it would be remiss of me to just let you take him."

"You've already looked into my eyes. I can stop you anytime," Morai said. 

"Oh, I see," he said. "Might we at least make a little wager, then? If I win, you take off your mask and leave the doctor behind. If you take him with you back to your captivity...that's not a very nice bet for you, is it?"

"I'm alright with those stakes, on one condition. When I win, you will also stand by while I take that woman over there with me."

Grimsley raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. "I doubt she can help you escape," he said, glancing out at the ocean at the woman surfing on a Mantine. 

"No, but she'll help with something else," Morai said. Confusion was still spread across Grimsley's face. 

"Those are the only terms I will agree to," she added. Grimsley gave an exasperated sigh and shook his head. 

"Alright, then, I suppose," he said. "Since we can't battle, it will be a simple coin toss. Do you pick heads or tails?"

"Heads," Morai said. Grimsley nodded and flipped the coin. He caught it and nonchalantly revealed the face of the coin. It was heads up. The man frowned in surprise, and Morai smiled behind her mask. 

"Would you like to try again?" she asked. Grimsley nodded and flipped it again, and it once again landed heads up. Morai couldn't help but chuckle as she saw the look of confusion on his face. Her chuckle turned into laughter, and Grimsley crossed his arms and tapped his foot in the sand. 

"What did you do?" he asked.

"It was easy," Morai said gleefully. "I know there are ways to manipulate a coin toss in your favor, and if anyone knows how, it's you. I simply took control of your mind for a very brief moment, overruled your intention for it to be tails, and instructed you to manipulate it in my favor."

Morai took off her mask, still laughing. Grimsley furrowed his brows and looked at her a bit, then his eyes widened. 

"You! You're..." he said, calling her by her original name. Morai nodded. 

"In a life gone past, as I like to say," she said. "I have a terrible foggy memory, but I remember your sly personality."

"I don't believe it," he said. "How did you end up like this?" His tone had change into one much more serious.  

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