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"It's been 3 months since we first began reporting and speculating about The Mask Maker's disappearance. Some theorize that the rumored ties the trainer had with Team Rocket went bad, or that she simply stopped enjoying spreading terror wherever she went. Folks have started to, for the most part, forget about the possibility of being attacked at night as the streets are beginning to fill with more people after dark. The trainer in question was never identified, and authorities are unsure as to whether she is still wandering the alleys after dark or if The Mask Maker is no longer of public concern. They did have one thing to remark, however. Whoever this trainer is, if she's still out there somewhere, she possesses dangerous abilities that will always remain a public safety concern. Listen to what a member of the Lumiose City Police Department had to say:

'We've dealt with unruly Psychic-type Pokémon before, but this is the first time we've seen a human with this much potential power. Sure, there are psychic trainers all over the place, but lifting a Pokéball with your mind is different from controlling the minds of other people. Once you do that, it opens a whole new door for potential harm. Even Caitlin, the psychic Elite Four member in Unova, isn't capable of this much damage.'

Well there you have it folks. If more information becomes available, you can be sure we'll be the first to report, so make sure to keep tuning in."

"Pfft! I can lift humans with my mind!" Avery angrily exclaimed. "Pokéballs are child's play! O-oh, right, that's not the main concern here....Fiddlesticks, you do have psychic powers! Why didn't you just say that?"

"Avery, Fid-ahem, Morai, is still heavily injured. She mustn't be put under a lot of stress...Besides, there are more pressing matters to tend to." 

Honey, Mustard's wife, had helped Morai sit down. Proton was holding the remote to the TV and had just turned it off.  

"You mean me, right?" the Executive asked. "Don't worry. All we want is that trainer right there, and we'll be out of your hair." 

I'm completely helpless against Proton and his subordinates. Tapping into their vision won't help anything, and my training for controlling minds hasn't gotten me very far, either. Since meeting the other Morai, it seems to be even worse...

"Proton, you never answered why  you're here, and how  you found me," Morai said with crossed arms.

The trainer was a pitiful sight. She was covered in bandages—at least much more than usual, and her voice was strained and weak. Honey wasn't completely correct, however. It seemed that Morai didn't have any actual injuries other than a body that had been pushed far past its limit. She had broken no bones, but her body still needed time to rest, and she definitely wasn't in any condition for fighting.


Two Days Earlier

"I hope you're interrupting me for something important."

 Giovanni wasn't sitting at his desk, but rather standing in front of a heavy bag. His rather barren outfit was far from his usual expensive suit, but he had an air of intimidation about him all the same. As he saw the white lab coats enter through the door, he sighed and wiped his brow with his gloved hand. 

"I-it's about the trainer, sir. We believe she's had a small breakthrough in her power." 

Giovanni's face softened into one of curiosity. He had wondered what Morai was up to all the way out in Galar. He of course hadn't let her stray out of Team Rocket's sight, but for weeks there had been no updates as to whether she was actually doing anything worthwhile. The trainer was supposed to be his secret weapon of sorts. Yes, he had Mewtwo, but it never hurt to have multiple tools of destruction. Besides, there was no one else like Morai, and that made her even more desirable. 

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