The Wager

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"Various kinds of Pokémon and people gathered in the region, so it's like a universal melting pot. That's why the region is called Unova."

Finn gazed at the depiction of Castelia City in the nearly empty Lumiose Museum. No one else was on this floor. He was here at the date given by The Mask Maker when they had their encounter a week ago. He shifted his feet and looked around. What was he supposed to do now? She didn't say what he was supposed to do when he got there. What if it was some sort of weird trap?

A figure appeared in the corner of his eye. He turned to look and saw that it was...Hayden.

"Hayden? What are you doing here?"

Hayden walked toward him and held out his hand. In it was an old cellphone, the kind you had to flip open and press physical buttons to call someone or do anything. It pre-dated any technology Finn had ever used. Hayden silently stared at him with an expecting expression. 

Finn hesitantly took the phone and opened it. The small screen showed a number that had already been entered. All he had to do was press the call button. He was nervous now. He hadn't told his friend about this meeting. Was he under mind control like that guy in Castelia? On the other side of the phone, waiting for his call, was someone who he didn't truly know, with a promise that she could teach him to be all he ever wanted to be. He slowly moved his finger to the button, and rested it on top. 

"Wait a second! Stop right there!"

Finn jumped and looked up to see Hayden taking a defensive stance. He started to glow, and for a second Finn thought he was in some crazy dream...or nightmare. But before he had any more time to think about it, Hayden had changed into a Zoroark. The creature swiped the phone out of Finn's hand and started for the exit, but its path was blocked. It growled and started to fire a range attack, but before it could it was shot with a tranquilizer. It fell to the ground and dropped the phone, which the surprise visitor picked up and examined. 

"I just want to ask a few questions," he said. 

"Who are you?" Finn asked. He was beyond nervous now. The situation before was unnerving, but now he had been caught while trying to contact a wanted criminal. 

"The name's Looker. I'm with the International Police," Looker said. The tall man held out his badge. He wore his signature outfit: a dark brown waistcoat with a lighter brown trench coat. He carried no Pokémon, but instead carried a tranquilizer gun for hostile Pokémon...or people, in some cases. 

"Your friend came to my bureau and said that you two had encountered The Mask Maker. He said he was within earshot when you stayed behind and made a plan to meet the trainer again. Since I found you here, am I right in saying he was correct?"

Finn didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. This all couldn't be real. It was all a dream. It had to be. What was he thinking? What had he gotten himself into? 

"Look, what you've done so far is not only irresponsible but against the law, but I'm willing to let you off the hook with a stern talking-to if you help me out," Looker bargained. 

The boy thought for a moment.

"How?" he asked. 

"For starters, tell me about the trainer. What did they look like?"

He took his own mobile phone out and pulled up the picture that had been taken in the alleyway, and showed it to Looker. 

"Hmm, I see. This is quite odd. She just...took a picture of herself?"

Finn nodded. 

"Interesting. What exactly did she say?"

"I mean, she kind of went on a rant about how some people didn't deserve Pokémon." 

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