Two Face's Predicament

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The cold air pierced through the coat and vest of The Mask Maker as she held on to Proton for dear life. He wasn't exactly the most careful motorcyclist. In fact, he enjoyed the dangerous uncertainty of reckless driving. He didn't view it as reckless, however. He was simply having fun, the kind of fun most people were afraid to have. 

They were nearing the end of the alley, where flashing red and blue lights waited for them. The passenger had no idea how they were going to make it past them without getting stopped, and there was no point in asking the question now. She figured there was some sort of plan, so she just held on and waited. Now she could see the police vehicles that were blocking the exit. Several Interpol agents stood outside, with their Arcanine partners beside them. From the looks of it, there was absolutely no way out, no matter how you looked at it. 

"Hold on tight!" Proton yelled. He sped up, grin as big as the one printed on his helmet. It looked as if he were about to crash right into the barricade. 

Maybe I should have just given myself to the police instead.

He continued to drive at breakneck speed straight towards the barricade. Closer and closer it became, until at the last few yards...

"Golbat! Now!"

He released his Pokémon and took something off the side of the bike and threw it on the ground ahead of him. It unfolded into a small ramp. As soon as he hit it he grabbed onto the Golbat's legs and secured his legs around the bike as the Pokémon flapped its wings as hard as it could. Proton's passenger was clinging to him like never before as they flew off the ramp and made just enough air to land on the hood of one of the vans. After a very bumpy few seconds, they were on a road, with a large aircraft starting to descend before them. Proton called his Pokémon back into its ball. 

"Woo!" he yelled, sticking his tongue out at the cursing officers below. "I've never tried that with two people before!" 

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"Yes! But you are too, right? That's why we're in this situation! Not much longer and we'll be relaxing in that plane!"

The aircraft, which was evidently Team Rocket's, touched the ground and had started to open its ramp. Several police cars and vans were behind the fugitives, quickly gaining speed on them. 

"Oh, shoot!" Proton yelled. "With the time it takes to close that ramp and get off the ground, we'll be sharing drinks with a chunk of the International Police!"

"Hm...Leave it to me," The Mask Maker said. 

"Huh? You're gonna have to talk louder than that!"

The trainer took a Pokéball from her belt and released what was inside. 

"Gyrados...mega evolve!" she commanded. 

She touched the Mega Stone embedded in one of her gloves, and her Pokémon grew to a staggering 21 feet tall. It let out a deafening roar of anger. 

"Holy sh—that thing's huge!"

"Hyper Beam!" 

The creature let out another roar, then charged up a Hyper Beam and aimed it in front of the police squad. The impending danger caused the vehicles to swerve and slam on their breaks. Gyrados shot the beam, making a huge gash across the entire roadway, making it impossible to cross. Its trainer called it back. The more she put on a mask and became The Mask Maker, the more adventurous and cruel she was starting to become. Merely blocking the oncoming squad instead of completely obliterating them with a Hyper Beam was proof that she wasn't completely shrouded in darkness, though. It was yet another conflict between the two sides of her being...the reason she had started all of this in the first place. 

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