Chapter 1: Oh Sorry! I Thought You Were The Coach!

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You know what would be good right now? Some rice balls. Mmm, I wonder if I have more in the fridge from the ones I bought last week. Jeez, I wonder when class is over so I can run home and stuff them in my face. Oh, how I love you rice balls...

"Y/N...Hey, Y/N...¨, a voice in the distance calls out interrupting the wonderful dream you were having. ¨Y/N!!!¨

¨I WAS NOT JUST DREAMING ABOUT RICE BALLS¨, you blurt out as you sit up at full attention.

¨Well, the look on your face definitely was a hungry one¨, Kiyoko said,  ¨Anyway, the dismissal bell rang already and class is over"

You glance around the room to see everyone packing up for the day and exiting the classroom. You look down at your math notebook that was covered in drool.

Dammit, this is the third time I fell asleep in class this week.

As you're beating yourself up for not paying attention in class, you feel a poke in your shoulder. Kiyoko nudges you with a tissue so you can wipe the drool off your face.

¨Thank you¨, you said.

While you use the tissue to wipe the drool off your face, you notice that Kiyoko is just sitting there, watching you. From the time you transferred to Karasuno, she had sat next to you in your math class, and you still can't figure her out. She always had her hair in the same straight, shoulder-length style and always had a straightforward expression on her face. You can never read her. But, at this moment, you believe that the look on her face is scolding you for sleeping in class.

¨I know what you're thinking, "This is the third time she has fallen asleep in class. We are Third Years, we're about to go to college, slacking off is unacceptable. She has to get to bed early so she is more focused in class." I know, but math is soooo boring and I just got lost thinking about the rice balls I'm going to devour when I get home. I know I have to do better, but I don't need a lecture from you, I already get one from my mom every day.", you declare, being offended by Kiyoko's blank stare.

¨I wasn't going to say anything, but if I was, that is basically what I was gonna say", she slightly chuckles.

Oh my God, I got Kiyoko to laugh.

For you to get someone with a nonchalant demeanor like her to laugh, it meant the world to you. You have made jokes with her before, but this is the first time she has laughed at something you said. It was a little hard to make friends since you transferred from the U.S., so having that moment with her made you feel a little more at ease at your new school.

Um, does this mean she is my....friend? I really hope so.

You smiled. "Haha, very funny" You start to pack your things in your bag, when Kiyoko gets up from her seat. "I have to go now but I will see you tomorrow, Y/N"

"See you tomorrow", you respond.

Welp, I guess it's time to go home and eat some RICEEE BALLLLSS.

You jump out of your seat, swing your bag on your shoulder, and do a jolly little dance out of excitement of what's to come when you get home. As you are passing Kiyoko's desk, you see out of the corner of your eye, a red notebook. You pick it up and see that it's Kiyoko's math notebook that she left on her desk.

Kiyoko left her notebook. Guess even she forgets stuff behind. Aw damn, she just left. I don't know where she could be. Should I just give it to her tomorrow? No, she didn't leave too long ago, I'll just ask around.

You walk out of the classroom and see two guys standing in the hallway.

Maybe they will know where she is.

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