Chapter 17: I Wanna Party!

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DISCLAIMER⚠️: This chapter contains mature themes like drinking and slightly spicy scenes

"Is everybody here?"

Tightly gripping your clipboard, you glanced around the room at the wedding party. Everyone stood in the hotel lobby with their suitcases and their garment bags ready to be assigned to their rooms.

"When I call your name, I'll give you your room number and your keys. A few things to keep in mind: Everyone is on the second floor and you all are sharing a room with someone. Kiyoko is going to be busy for the next four days so any problem you have please bring it to me."

"Jeez, talk about bossy...", Nishinoya whispered.

"You can sleep outside!"

Nishinoya gulped in fear, regretting he said anything about your authority appointed by the wife-to-be.

"Room service is included in our stay and the hotel's quiet hours are from 11 am to 6 am except for the night of the wedding."

You skimmed the paper on the clipboard and decided to not read from the script. "This is common sense but I'll still say it anyway so you can't say I didn't: You lose your key, you pay for it, you cause any damage in the rooms, you pay for it. Also please, please, please keep your suits and dresses clean, don't mess them up...and breakfast is at 8 am."

After reading the hotel policies in one breath, you asked everyone if they understood and they nodded their heads. The woman at the front desk gazed at you with amazement and said, "When can you start?"

You laughed at her offer and blushed a little. "I wish, but thank you for the offer!"

"OK let's get you guys in your rooms..." You walked down the line and began handing out the room keys.

"Daichi and Suga, you guys are in room 101."

Sugawara grabbed the room keys and dragged his suitcase to the elevator. "Yeah, I figured as much..."

"Oooo Suga, are we gonna share a bed?", Daichi asked, grabbing Sugawara by the waist and making kissy faces at him.

A raised fist is all it took for the teasing to stop.

Kiyoko, are you sure about these room assignments?

"Noya and Asahi, you guys are in room 105."

You handed Asahi the room keys and Nishinoya grabbed one, making a beeline to the elevator. "Last one there is a rotten egg!!"

"", Asahi cried desperately.

You patted your hand on his shoulder and said, "You'll be alright!" Asahi sighed and walked to the elevator, dragging his feet more than his luggage.

Those two are something else...

Hinata and Kageyama, you guys are in room 107."

You handed Kageyama the room keys and Hinata walked with him to the elevator. They quietly walked together, not even complaining about having to share a room.

Did hell freeze over?

I'm surprised they haven't fought over who is gonna sleep where-

"You're sleeping on the floor", Kayegama said with a blank expression.

"Excuse me?!?", Hinata shouted, "Who died and made you king?!?"

Looks like I spoke too soon...

"O...K..." You turned around and continued passing out the keys.

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