Chapter 2: Here...Just Use My Hair Tie

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"Um...hey, dude, are you OK? You're starting to scare me now..."

You were not sure what to do, so you just watched the fragile boy go through the five stages of grief.

I hope I don't have to call an ambulance for this guy, that would be more time spent not eating rice balls. What do I do?!? I can't just leave him here. UGGHH!! Really God?!?! Are you trying to punish me for my gluttony?!?

As you let out a frustrated sigh, the rest of the boys started coming out of the gym.

"Yeah, like where is he off in a rush to? He's got a hot date or something-", said a boy while pushing the gym doors open. All the boys turn in one motion to start walking towards the entrance of the school, only to see you and a body on the ground behind you, in their path.

"Uhhh, I hope this isn't what it looks like, because if it is, you should learn how to hide bodies better", said the guy who opened the door. He was in front and looked like the leader of the group since all the other boys were behind him fearing for their lives, except one tall boy with glasses; he looked more annoyed than anything.

"Ahaha, no it's not, I swear!", you awkwardly chuckle, hoping they believe you.

I can't go to jail, the food always sucks in jail. But, I do look good in orange.....Nevermind that! Just handle this so you can go home.

You step to the side and reveal the soulless, but alive boy on the ground.

"Yeaaaah, he yours?", you asked, pointing at the "unclaimed" body

"Oh my God, Asahi!!" The boys ran over to the guy on the ground like he was a lost puppy that had just been found.

"I KNOW CPR!", a small boy with orange hair shouts.

"He's not unconscious, you idiot!", said a boy with black hair and a milk carton in his hand. "Did you learn anything in health class? He's having a heart attack, duh!"

"Haha, funny prank dude! I didn't think you had it in you to do something like this", said a boy with brown hair and a bleached dirty blond section in the front. "You got, you can stop faking now..."

"OH MY GOD!! IS HE GONNA DIE?!?!", said a boy with dark grayish-green hair with a flyaway piece of hair sticking up at the top.

It really wasn't that serious. All they had to do is check his pulse. Like even I know that.

"Guys! Back up and give him some room," said the boy who saw you and the lifeless body first. You could tell that he was the captain by the way he orchestrated the boys away from the body in a calm and orderly fashion and by the words "CAPTAIN" on his jacket.

"Asahi! Asahi! You gotta take it easy, buddy. Talk to me." The captain picked up the boy and laid him across his lap like the boy was about to say his last words. He turned to you for answers. "What happened?"

"Well, I came here to find Kiyoko to give her notebook back to her, and he came outside and-", While explaining what happened, you were interrupted by a ghastly voice coming from below.

"She... she called...she called me...she called me s-sir", the boy uttered.

As soon as the other boys heard that, they all shook their heads in unison while trying to hold in their laughter. "Now Asahi, I know we tease you all the time, but you really don't look that old. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings", the captain said while helping the boy up. "Right?", he said, turning to you for reassurance.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But hey, you can't blame me. You're big, tall, and have facial hair, I just assumed you were older. But, I am really sorry again for what I said"

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